Biography of Diriba Gonfa[1]

Mr. Gonfa was born on November 13, 1983 in Dacha Chabir village, Horro Guduru District in Wolega, Oromia region (province), Southern central Ethiopia. He is the seventh youngest child of ten siblings, who are born to an Oromo father named Shobe Gonfa and fifth youngest son of an Oromo mother named Bokashe Gonfa.

Early Life – 1983-2006

Diriba’s father, “obbo” Shobe Gonfa and Diriba’s mother “aadde” Bokashe Gonfa were born of Oromo ethnicity in Oromo Province, Ethiopia. His father grew up herding goats, sheep, and cattle, in Northeastern Africa, eventually earning an average income that allowed him to establish his life before he married to his first wife. While living with his first wife, his father started exercising difficulties in marriage even though no one knew in depth about the disagreement. His Dad met his mother when she was 14 years, and they married on January 2, 1974. At his childhood age, Diriba begun helping his family in farm which includes activities like a variety of crops with farm animals, including cattle, sheep, goats, donkeys, mules, horses, and chickens. Diriba was an expert in animal husbandry through his long tradition as herd boy. For some, cattle-rearing (pastoralist) was his main occupation until his university life. When he reached at 6 years, joined Sekela elementary school in Horo (1991-1998) and went on to attend the Shambu senior secondary school (1999-2001).

     Life after high school

After graduating from Mekelle University, Diriba started looking for jobs in his major study even though he faced struggling in finding jobs because of his political interest. As a result, he was denied positions several times nevertheless he was best qualified for those positions. In September 2006, he was offered a position in UNICEF as a planning expert. While he was on ready to begin his position, his DV (Diversity VISA) process was finalized and he received his USA visa. When he made sure that the probability of going to USA was 100% sure he left the position for his position to the next person on the waiting list.


On January 04, 2007, he immigrated to USA through Philadelphia Board of entry. Since his arrival to USA, Diriba started establishing his new life an immigrant. Even though Diriba was able to speak little or broken English, he knew it was must for him to attend English as Second Language (ESL) to improve his English skills. He went to Community College of Philadelphia and began taking, English as Second Language (ESL) Courses. After one semester, he completed his ESL program. However, he developed interest of preceding his education further. He totally changed his field of study and began taking natural pure science courses. School was entirely different from what he remembered back home, he says, recalling that it was the first time he ever touched a laboratory materials. During his sophomore year, Diriba was introduced to the idea of college which, since his mom and dad had not gone to college, he knew nothing about it. Diriba learned from his teachers that there are certain prerequisites for health science. Diriba rapidly changed his trajectory. In order to increase his chances of getting into health profession studies, he shifted the way he had been approaching school. It was very difficult for him handling his personal life and helping his family beside of his school. He decided going school day time and working full time at night or overnight schedules. Diriba decided and committed himself for his family. Gratefully he built new house in his home town country for his father and sent his two little sisters and one older brother and two younger brothers to school. Two of his brothers graduated and work as pharmacist in oromia and his sister is a clinical nurse. His little brother is still in high school while his little sister has joined Dire Dawa University in 2012. He says, “I am grateful, my families are sharing my American dream with me.” I love helping people when I have money, if I do not; I at least share my personal histories or advise to encourage them.” In 2010, he went back to Ethiopia to visit his family. As a result he dropped off his school for fall 2010. Since waiting for one full term made him intolerant, he decided to transfer to Thomas Jefferson University College of Health Science profession. This year, on May 2012, he graduated in masters of Science from Jefferson University where he majored in Bioscience technology with the special emphasis in applied molecular science/Biotechnology studies. While in college, Diriba continued to push himself hard, never forgetting the children back home in Ethiopia.


On April 04, 1993 (or Megabit 27, 1985 Ethiopian Calendar), when Diriba was 9 years old, his mother Bokashe Gonfa died at a Shambu general Hospital from an unspecified illness. Since the death of his mother, his older sisters (Melkitu & Tolani) had raised him. “The loss of a loved one is like an earthquake that fractures our emotional landscape” says Diriba Gonfa. Although death is the most permanent loss we all face, there are other forms of loss that can be devastating and never end. The pain of loss is related to the nature of the transition. When loss is sudden and unexpected, there is much less time for the child to begin adjusting. The pain from loss is the most distress since I depend upon the one am separated from. I am doing okay, am grieving and getting back my inner world following loss. It involves a set of emotional, cognitive, behavioral, and physical reactions that can vary depending upon the individual life. Mr. Gonfa is a father of one child named Wada (nick name Murtiduga).


Diriba has Integrate personality. He is consistent of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations, and outcomes. His dad calls him as the honesty, truthful and accurate son of his children. Diriba has good friends like Solomon Tamiru,Lamessa Ragasa, Olkeba Tolessa, Kasahun Abdissa, Adam Biftu, Getachew Eticha, Getachew Ayana, Endantew Ruga, Adane Sima, Murtessa Gurmu, Takalegn Jaleta, Abriham Tolessa, and others for the reason that has integrate personality. His personality is the particular combination of calm emotional, positive attitude, and constant behavioral response patterns. Sorted by his best friend!

  1. ^ POYA, Philadelphia oromo church