Ole Fach


M.A. Ole Fach is an architect and new media artist. He investigates the networking of architecture, society and the new media. His projects document and reflect the cultural changes and give an insight into the world of tomorrow. His work has been exhibited in Berlin, London and Czech.



Ole Fach *09.05.1980 is a trained carpenter, followed by a degree at the school for architecture and design in Bremen. He completed a bachelor's degree in Bremen and the master's program in Stuttgart with a subsequent training as an architect in a prestigious architecture office in Stuttgart. Since 2011 he runs the Fach & Asendorf online Gallery together with Kim Asendorf. The Gallery presents post Internet art and net art. The strong connection to the Internet also influences his Art. He creates websites, performances, installations, screenings and Gifs, prints and media hacking. His work has been exhibited in Berlin, London and Czech.