Project Magazine
File:ProMag Logo.jpg
Project Magazine logo
General ManagerShaunvir Sidhu
First issueNovember 2008
Based inOttawa, ON
LanguageEnglish French

Project Magazine is a bilingual (French and English) Canadian magazine published by the Canadian Federation of Engineering Students (CFES).[1] The magazine is currently hosted by the University of Western Ontario (UWO), with support of the UWO Undergraduate Engineering Society (UES). The magazine is traditionally published twice yearly, in the spring and fall. Special editions are also published at the CFES annual general meeting (AGM), and the Canadian Engineering Competition (CEC). Each issue is produced by a host university which rotates every three years, and with the support of a permanent staff and volunteers.



Project Magazine was originally an endeavour undertaken in 1984 by the CFES. The idea was to create a magazine that provided relevant content to undergraduate engineering students across Canada. The magazine consistently publishes content contributed by student engineers and notable professional engineers across Canada.

Member schools of the CFES bid on the magazine every three years, at the CFES's AGM. The next bid for Project Magazine is scheduled for January 2009, at AGM hosted by Carleton University. UWO is currently fulfilling the term held by the engineering student society at École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS) in Montreal. ÉTS was unable to publish the magazine bi-annually and requested the help of students in the UWO UES. Since 2007, the magazine has been published under the guidance of the UWO UES.



The staff of the magazine consists of a core group comprised of the General Manager (Shaunvir Sidhu), Editor-In-Chief (Federico Berruti), Lead Journalist (Tamara O'Connell), and Online Editor (Kevin Brown). Currently there is also a Guest Editor (John McDonald) representing the University of Alberta. The staff is located across Canada, from Newfoundland to Alberta, and is augmented by a group of student volunteers who fulfill tasks not related to the core staff.



Project Magazine is circulated to all member schools of the CFES. This includes 46 member engineering societies, encompassing an audience of over 60,000 engineering students.[2]



Project Magazine maintains a website where previous issues are available in PDF form.[3] The website also contains web exclusive articles and CFES news, in addition to multimedia content related to articles in the magazine.

