BIOGRAPHY of Odinko Kankankan

Odinko whose real name, Otumfo Nana Kwaku Amoa Kofo Tete Ofori-Atta, was born on the beautiful virgin island of St. Thomas, on November 1st, with his lineage from (Kibi) Kyebi, Ghana, West Africa. He attended Moravian Catholic School, All Saints Cathedral School, and Charlotte Amalie High School. He resided with his mother, Lena V. George, who worked hard as a caretaker for the elderly at a Hospice Community, Queen Louise Home, while raising two children, on the island and later passed away October 19, 2003. His father, Nana K.B. Ofori-Atta, a historian, well respected master drummer, wood carver, steeped in the tradition of herbal medicine, and a disciple of the martial arts.

This unique artist, grew up in the savannah of the island. At the age of 8, he followed in his father’s footstep by wood carving, drumming, listening to traditional Ghanaian music, and Reggae music, which is predominant throughout his life. Other things he found interests in is poetry, exercise, soccer (futbol), and public speaking, something he did at the age of 10. The Caribbean born enjoyed so much to this day playing Traditional Akan Drums. Especially, in the early years when poets and lecturers like Dr. John Henry Clarke and Dr. Yosefben Jochannan, pronounced (Yo-sef-ben-Yeh-ke-nen), who is now in his 90’s and author of books like, “Black Man of The Nile and His Family” and “African Contribution to World Religion”, and so on, came to the island to lecture on World History and the role that African people play in that history. It is under this umbrella that Nana was exposed to a wide variety of information on loving oneself, inspiring others, poverty in the diaspora, and the cultural diversity that brought him to where he is to this day.

He later moved, at the age of 9, to the western part of the island, Michael J. Kirwan Terrace, where he met Caribbean Cultural Artist, James Brewster, one day while playing outside. Jamesie, as he was called, played many instruments. The guitar, the banjo, a gourd like instrument known as the wiro, the congas, and more. He even made them, at home, in his front yard. After school studies, Nana could always be found at Jamesie  home, where music was a constant. James became another, musical, mentor in his life. Nana’s mother would allow him to go with James’s to shows with his band The Happy Seven. He studied James’s words, style, his stage presence, and incorporated it into his own style. It wasn’t long before James noticed this youths talent. He was viewed in the local daily newspaper with Jamesy and The Happy Seven at the age of 6. Not long after, James requested that he become a member of the band, while playing the squash, to study his musical environment. This lasted for about 3 years, before Nana grew up, finished high school, and moved to Georgia. Since then Odinko has opened for numerous artists. To name a few; Marcia Griffiths, Cocoa Tea, Capleton, Jah Tundah, Moses I, Elephant Man, and Sean Paul. He's written singles like, "Let's Just Celebrate", "A Different Feeling", and "Know Why".

"Let's Just Celebrate", talks about the joy of family, close and distant, coming together while enjoying each other and casting all differences aside, throughout the years. Another single, "A Different Feeling", is a song that came about at a pinnacle part of Nana's present life, which talks of perservance, change, not looking back, and giving praise to the His Imperial Majesty. A favorite of many, "Know Why", is that of a relationship type of love. This is the mysterious side that a woman is intriqued by, because she wants to figure out how her man ticks, and he's letting her know he's unique.

Don't deny the feeling in the sound of this powerful artist. So with said, stay on the look out. As he would say with a huge smile on his face........"Yaaagaaz!!!! Shebabaaaa!!"