Odessa Fashion Week (Russian: Одесская Неделя Моды)  - the first professional fashion week in Odessa, which includes a multi-level program to promote fashion brands on the domestic and international markets and is essential for the development of the fashion-industry in South-East region and Ukraine as a whole.



Odessa Fashion Week first took place October 15-18, 2015 and since then twice a year is the collection of pret-a-porter and de-luxe next season known Ukrainian and foreign designers, as well as opening up new names in the fashion-industry in the framework of the contest of young designers New Fashion Generation.

Odessa Fashion Week is actively developing international relations, as evidenced by the expansion of geography of participants and the fact that Odessa became the second city in Ukraine, which hosts a professional fashion week, included in the official schedule of the international calendar of fashion weeks on release fashionunited.com and fashionweekonline.com

The event is supported by the Odessa City Council and Odessa Regional State Administration, as well as Odessa Diplomatic Club, which brings together all the foreign embassies and honorary consulates in the Southern region.

Participants of the event are the buyers, journalists of the leading professional and glossy magazines, bloggers, analysts and critics in the field of fashion, as well as the customers of fashion houses and brands.


Categories: Fashion events