I'm lookin' threw Wikipeedia to find sum info about stuff that I like. I don't no wat I am suposed two do on this user page but I am thinkin' I can put wat I wan' on it since it is my page. I am kinda bored so I will look round wikipeedia four a bit. I shal check over peoples user pages to c wat they have put then maybee i will get an i dear. I wanna put has much has I can on this user page, um... better check over users.

--Numbuhfourwally (talk) 20:32, 20 December 2007 (UTC)

Kid's Next Door

Sector V operatives

Nigel Uno-Numbuh 1 Hoagie Gilligan-Numbuh 2 Kuki Sanban-Numbuh 3 Wallabee Beatles-Numbuh 4 Abigail Lincoln-Numbuh 5

Characters I Like


Gus (G-man) is a cartoon character from the TV show Robotboy. He has red hair and wears a t-shirt that has a letter G on it. He is very selfish and really likes junk food. Candy and Ice-cream are favourites. He is overweight because he eats way too much junk food. He is friends with the main character 'Robotboy' and 'Tommy Turnbull' who is his best friend. He is quite stupid but can sometimes come up with some good plans. G-man likes watching wrestling and the human fist, his best friend, Tommy likes watching that show too.