Nu Delta Beta Fraternity, Inc. (also known as the Crat Frat) is the first national Fratetnity for Democrats in the United States of America. Nu Delta Beta Fraternity, Inc. affirms that it is a Family of United Democrats. Joe Smith, a politically active Democrat who attended Kean University in New Jersey, saw the growing apathy of students at Institutions of Higher Education around the United States of America. In response, he sought new ways to get students involved in politics. Upon his return from a trip to Washington, D.C., Joe Smith began to build Nu Delta Beta Fraternity, Inc. and its sister Sorority, Nu Delta Sigma Sorority, Inc. On December 6, 1999, he founded the Fraternity and Sorority at Kean University, and based them upon the political ideologies of the Democratic Party. The creation of Nu Delta Beta Fraternity, Inc. produced the first Brotherhood for Democrats.

As the Founding Father, Joe Smith gathered the First Thirteen Brothers, and established the first Chapter at Kean University. The First Thirteen Brothers were Joseph Auburgh, Jason Bayly, Henry Borvitz, Christopher Brandt, Peter Brown, Jeff Goett, Walter Hummel, Omar Masood, Leenel Robinson, Bruce Shapiro, Stephen Smith, and Youssef Yassen. The First Thirteen Brothers of Nu Delta Beta Fraternity, Inc. embodied the great mosaic that is the United States of America, and the Democratic Party. The diversity within the Fraternity served as one of its greatest strengths. Together, they persevered and set the standard for the Fraternity for many years to come.

Chapters of Nu Delta Beta Fraternity, Inc. were established at Higher Education Institutions, and continued to grow into a National Fraternity with chapters throughout the United States of America. The Fraternity continues to make history changing the way students are involved with politics.



The purpose of Nu Delta Beta Fraternity, Inc. is to support the philosophy of the Democratic Party as well as increase the participation of college students in Democratic affairs through the following activities: Educate students about the philosophy of the Democratic Party, Assist in the election of local, state, and national Democratic candidates, Affect political change on the local, state, and national level, Disseminate information to fellow students about scheduled elections, Register students to vote, Educate students about political actions such as pending legislation that might affect all students, Actively promote student participation in Government, and Organize various forms of community service.



Joe Smith, a politically active Democrat who attended Kean University in New Jersey, saw the growing apathy of students at Institutions of Higher Education around the United States of America. In response, he sought new ways to get students involved in politics. Upon his return from a trip to Washington, D.C., Joe Smith began to build Nu Delta Beta Fraternity, Inc. and its sister Sorority, Nu Delta Sigma Sorority, Inc. On December 6, 1999, he founded the Fraternity and Sorority at Kean University, and based them upon the political ideologies of the Democratic Party. The creation of Nu Delta Beta Fraternity, Inc. produced the first Brotherhood for Democrats.

As the Founding Father, Joe Smith gathered the First Thirteen Brothers, and established the first Chapter at Kean University. The First Thirteen Brothers were Joseph Auburgh, Jason Bayly, Henry Borvitz, Christopher Brandt, Peter Brown, Jeff Goett, Walter Hummel, Omar Masood, Leenel Robinson, Bruce Shapiro, Stephen Smith, and Youssef Yassen. The First Thirteen Brothers of Nu Delta Beta Fraternity, Inc. embodied the great mosaic that is the United States of America, and the Democratic Party. The diversity within the Fraternity served as one of its greatest strengths. Together, they persevered and set the standard for the Fraternity for many years to come.

Chapters of Nu Delta Beta Fraternity, Inc. were established at Higher Education Institutions, and continued to grow into a National Fraternity with chapters throughout the United States of America. The Fraternity continues to make history changing the way students are involved with politics.

Historic Milestones


Nu Delta Beta Fraternity, Inc. and Nu Delta Sigma Sorority, Inc. were the first national Fraternity and Sorority for Democrats.

Nu Delta Beta Fraternity, Inc. and Nu Delta Sigma Sorority, Inc. were the first Democratic organizations to officially adopt Red, White, and Blue as the Official Party Colors when it adopted these colors as its Fraternity and Sorority Colors.

Nu Delta Beta Fraternity, Inc. and Nu Delta Sigma Sorority, Inc. were the first Democratic organizations to officially adopt the Donkey as the Official Political Party Animal Mascot when it chose the Donkey as its Fraternity and Sorority Political Animal Mascot.

Nu Delta Beta Fraternity, Inc. and Nu Delta Sigma Sorority, Inc. were the first Democratic organizations to officially adopt the White Lily as the Official Party Flower when it chose the White Lily as its Fraternity and Sorority Flower.

Nu Delta Beta Fraternity, Inc. and Nu Delta Sigma Sorority, Inc. were the first national Fraternity and Sorority to be categorized as Political Fraternities and Sororities.



We, the members of Nu Delta Beta Fraternity, believe that the development of the individual as a responsible member of society is the primary goal of Higher Education Institutions today.

We believe that the Fraternity offers to Higher Education Institutions a unique, desirable and successful means of achieving this goal.

In fulfilling the purposes of Fraternity, we dedicate ourselves to the principles of:

Strength. Fraternity allows individuals to stand strong together. We will always fight for what is right.

Inclusion. Fraternity represents one Country of many people. We accept all people no matter what their background is. Fraternity provides an atmosphere for the open interchange of ideas within the academic community that fosters the pursuit of academic excellence.

Opportunity. Fraternity is a chance for an individual to actively participate with others to make a positive change. It is a chance for the individual to advance the Fraternity, the Democratic Party, and the United States of America.



Founder's Day: Joe Smith founded Nu Delta Beta Fraternity, Inc. on December 6, 1999. The Fraternity annually celebrates its founding on this date.

Fraternity Saying: The Fraternity Saying is, "Let the people rule."

Fraternity Greek Letters: The Fraternity Greek Letters are Nu Delta Beta. The letters can also be seen as NDB. The Brothers in the Fraternity hold their meaning secret.

Fraternity Colors: The Fraternity Colors are Red, White, and Blue. Red letters, White trim, and Blue background represent the arrangement of Fraternity Colors upon the Greek Letters. Its meaning is given to Brothers at the Cross Ceremony. The Brothers in the Fraternity hold their meaning secret.

Fraternity Shield: The Fraternity Shield represents the Fraternity. Its meaning is given to Brothers at the Cross Ceremony. The Brothers in the Fraternity hold its meaning secret.

Fraternity Password: The Fraternity Password is used between Brothers. Its meaning is given to Brothers at the Cross Ceremony. The Brothers in the Fraternity hold its meaning secret.

Fraternity Handshake: The Fraternity Handshake is used between Brothers. Brothers learn the handshake and its meaning at the Cross Ceremony. The Brothers in the Fraternity hold the handshake and its meaning secret.

Fraternity Hand Sign: The Fraternity Hand Sign is used by Brothers. Its meaning is given to Brothers at the Cross Ceremony. The Brothers in the Fraternity hold its meaning secret.

Fraternity Pin: The Fraternity Pin is worn by Brothers. The Pin and its meaning is given to Brothers at the Cross Ceremony. The Brothers in the Fraternity hold its meaning secret.

Fraternity Flower: The Fraternity Flower is a White Lily. The Fraternity Flower and its meaning is given to Sisters at the Cross Ceremony. The Sisters in the Sorority hold its meaning secret.

Fraternity Political Animal Mascot: The official Fraternity Political Animal Mascot is the Donkey. The Donkey has been a longtime unofficial symbol of the Democratic Party. Its meaning is given to Brothers at the Cross Ceremony. The Brothers in the Fraternity hold its meaning secret.

National Activities Calendar: Nu Delta Beta Fraternity, Inc. has prepared a National Activities Calendar to create uniformity for all Chapters. It acts as a guide for each Chapter. It puts forth every event that the Chapter must accomplish. If the Chapter fails to accomplish an activity on the specified week, the Chapter is placed on suspension until they accomplish the activities put forth in the National Activities Calendar. On the Friday of that school week, the Chapter Advisor reports back on the week that has passed. The Chapter Advisor sends the minutes from the meeting of that week, and makes sure that the National Activities Calendar event has been accomplished by acknowledgement through a National Activities Calendar checklist.

Fraternity Song: The Fraternity Song is taught to Brothers during the New Brother Education Program. The National Song is sung at various occasions.

Fraternity Chants: The Fraternity Chants are taught to Brothers during the New Brother Education Program. The National Chants are chanted at various occasions.

Fraternity Step Routine (Stepping): The Fraternity Step Routine (Stepping) is taught to Brothers during the New Brother Education Program. It is performed at various occasions.

Chapter Designations: Each Chapter is given a Chapter Number in the order that they are formed. Chapter Numbers are given out in consecutive order as chapters form throughout the country. These Chapter Numbers designate the chapter. Once the number is used to designate a particular school, it will not be used for any other schools. The Chapter Number stays with the school. If a chapter closes or gets suspended, the Chapter Number does not get changed. Once the chapter opens again and ends suspension, it resumes with that Chapter Number. Chapter Numbers are not recycled for use at any other school. The founding Chapter at Kean University is Chapter 1. Each chapter continues on with a Chapter Number in the order that they are formed. The exception to Chapter designations using Chapter Numbers is Chapter I for those who are students of Online Institutions and Distance Learning Institutions and Chapter DC for interns in Washington DC.

Class Numbers: In terms of the New Brother Education Program, Class Numbers are given out in consecutive order. Each Class of new Brothers is given its own name. The founding Brothers of the Chapter are called Class 1. Classes continue on in consecutive order with each New Brother Education Program.

Civic engagement


Nu Delta Beta Fraternity, Inc. strongly supports Civic Engagement. The Fraternity believes that each Brother must invest in the Higher Education Institution, local, regional, national, and international communities to which they belong. The Fraternity has developed various programs that support Civic Engagement.

Do You Wanna Party? Higher Education Institution Program

The Do You Wanna Party? Higher Education Institution Program is a nonpartisan program, which was created to help educate students in Higher Education Institutions about different Political Parties in the United States of America. Through the program, students have the opportunity to become better informed and understand the differences between the different Political Parties so that they will be able to join the party which they feel represents them best. The program has three components. Component 1 consists of an Introduction to Political Parties. Component 2 consists of Comparative Political Parties Discussion in which representatives from different Political Parties represent their respective Political Party and their respective Political Party views before the program attendees. Discuss their Political Party's positions on various issues. Component 3 consists of Voter Registration for eligible Students that are not yet registered to Vote. Every Chapter creates partnerships with local Politicians and conducts this program at their Higher Education Institution.

The Voters of Tomorrow High School Program

The Voters of Tomorrow High School Program is a nonpartisan program, which was created to help High School Students understand the importance of being a Voter. The program has three components. Component 1 consists of an Introduction to Voting. Component 2 consists of Voter Discussion Modules. Component 3 consists of Voter Registration for eligible Students that are not yet registered to Vote. Every Chapter creates partnerships with High Schools and conducts this program at those High Schools.

Dream Keepers Grade School Program

From the founding of the United States of America, the American Dream has been an important element of the American experience. The Dream Keepers Grade School Program is a nonpartisan program, which was created to help Grade School Students develop their own American Dreams. The program has three components. Component 1 consists of an Introduction to the American Dream. Component 2 consists of Developing Individual American Dreams. Component 3 consists of each student Writing about their Individual American Dream in a Letter to themselves. These letters will be kept by the Grade School, and they will be given back to the students when they graduate. Every Chapter creates partnerships with Grade Schools and conducts this program at those Grade Schools.

Over There! Letter Writing Program for Troops

Nu Delta Beta Fraternity, Inc. supports the Troops of the United States of America. During the Over There! Letter Writing Program for Troops, people have the opportunity to create homemade Letters that will be sent to Troops that are abroad.

The Program was developed to ensure that the Troops know that they are in the thoughts of the people that they are fighting for.

What Would Americans Want? Letter Writing Program

What Would Americans Want? It is a question that has been lost among many of today's politicians. No question may be more important for today's government and politicians. "What Would Americans Want?" is a non-partisan non-profit national effort, which was begun by Joe Smith to encourage political representatives to think of Americans in their decision-making and actions instead of special interest groups or personal interests by wearing wristbands with W.W.A.W. The American people know what they want. For government to work as it was imagined, politicians need to once again reflect what the American people want. Whenever our politicians make a decision, a part of us will be there to remind them that they are there to represent us through this wristband. W.W.A.W. is a nationwide effort to have politicians wear these wristbands so that they may be reminded of the Americans that they were elected to represent. This is an effort to take politics out of the hands of special interest groups and personal interests, and placing it back into the hands of the American people. Nu Delta Beta Fraternity, Inc. has pledged to assist in this national effort. The Fraternity holds a Letter Writing Program where students write their politicians to ask them to obtain these wristbands.

Voter Registration Drives

Nu Delta Beta Fraternity, Inc. holds Voter Registration Drives throughout the course of the year. During this Program, Brothers register eligible people who are not yet registered to vote.

Other Programs

Individual Chapters frequently organize and take part in other Civic Engagement Programs throughout the course of the year.

Immigration solutions project


In response to the recent national unrest over Immigration, we are asking the public to participate in this Top 20 Immigration Solutions Voting Procedure. The Number 1 Immigration Solution will be presented on the official national websites for Nu Delta Beta Fraternity, Inc. and Nu Delta Sigma Sorority, Inc. Afterwards, the Number 1 Immigration Solution will be brought before politicians around the United States of America for their consideration.

Board of Trustees


Board of Trustees

Joe Smith: Chairperson

Stephen Smith: Vice Chairperson

Walter Hummel: Secretary

Omar Masood: Treasurer

Peter Brown: Public Relations


Nu Delta Beta's webpage