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A portmote is



In the Salford charter of 1230-31, the Laghmote and the Portmote of the town or borough of Salford are named. The like two courts for Manchester are also named in the Manchester charter of 1301. There was also in 1320 a Portmote of the burgesses, held four times a year; to which every burgess (or his wife or his eldest son for him) was bound to come four times yearly without excuse. If necessary a Laghmote might be held between the Halmotes [? Portmotes] for more speedy justice. In the Portmote the assise of bread and ale was inquired into; and the burgesses making default of appearance, might by plea, in either the Portmote or the Laghmote, be amerced 12d. The perquisites of these Portmotes and Laghmotes, with the fines, accruings, and like profits, were then worth 138 4d yearly to the lord of the manor. @book{harland1864volume,

 title={A Volume of Court Leet Records of the Manor of Manchester in the Sixteenth Century},
 author={Harland, John},
 publisher={Chetham Society},


Macclesfield portmote (borough court) Macclesfield halmote (manor court). In 1354 Margaret Herny was sued in the Macclesfield portmote by Alice London for leaving her post before the end of the agreed time, was committed to gaol, and fined 12d. At the same session William Downes sued Alice Fletcher ‘for leaving his service after he had offered a similar position to her for another year, according to the form of the statute’. She was ordered to serve him for another year, and fined 12d. Alice Rainow sued Emma Thorbald for leaving her service. She was ordered to return to her mistress, and was fined 6d.1 @article{booth2013enforcement,

 title={The Enforcement of the Ordinance and Statute of Labourers in Cheshire, 1349 to 1374},
 author={Booth, Paul},
 journal={Archives: The Journal of the British Records Association},
 publisher={Liverpool University Press}


It is evident that the portmote, though it did not produce a large sum of money, was an important court, as it was held twelve or even sixteen times a year; thus, in the year 1442, while there were two courts held at Newland producing 6s. in all, and four courts of the manor producing £9 11s 4d, there were sixteen portmotes, although they only produced £2 0s. 10d. in perquisites. The other manorial privilege of the abbot, the assize of bread and beer, seems to have been attached to the portmote; such is the evidence of the rolls, and such is the statement of the inquisition of the fourteenth century (vol. ii, p. 39), where, however, the words have reference to those who attended the manor court and the portmote @book{salter1908eynsham,

 title={Eynsham cartulary},
 author={Salter, Herbert Edward},
 publisher={Oxford historical society at the Clarendon Press}


The operation of the judicial system was hinged around two sets of courts: the yearly eyre held by the Justiciar of Chester, and the local three-weekly courts of the manor (Halmote), the borough (Portmote), and Hundred. Apart from writs relating to land being issued at Chester, and impleaded at the County Court, the jurisdiction was entirely contained within the hundred. @book{tonkinson1989borough,

 title={A borough and forest community: the courts of Macclesfield in the later fourteenth century},
 author={Tonkinson, Andrew Mark},
 publisher={The University of Liverpool (United Kingdom)},
 url= & Theses



 title={Small boroughs and the manorial economy: enterprise zones or urban failures?},
 author={Goddard, Richard},
 journal={Past and Present},
 publisher={Oxford University Press}

} @article{baines1986origin,

 title={The Origin of the Borough of Newport Pagnell},
 author={Baines, Arnold HJ},
 journal={Recs. Bucks},
