Old, old userboxes (keeping just for old times' sake)

VERY old userboxes
 This user has black hair.
 This user tries to do the right thing. If they make a mistake, please let them know.
AllergiesThis user does not have any allergies! Yay!
  This user loves cats.
 This user is owned by one or more cats.
 This user has been scratched several times by her pet cat.
 This user is interested in history.
  This user is interested in philosophy.
 This user prefers the metric system.
 This user prefers Mozilla Firefox over Internet Explorer. 
 This User loves the blue skies smiling at the User. :)
progThis user is definitely not a programmer.
  This user can type 80 WPM.
 This user can make The Spinning Dancer turn both ways.
 This user recycles waste when possible.
~~~~Nooristani signs her posts and thinks you should too!
<ref>This user recognizes the importance of citing sources.
GThis user will use Google before asking dumb questions.
 This user has been
meaning to join the
Procrastinators' Club
for several years.
 This user is a Sudoku addict.
 This user is interested in anthropology and sociology.
 This user is interested in psychology.
 This user is interested in linguistics.
 This user is interested in literature.
o_OThis user is a moderate fan of anime.
^^This user is a moderate fan of manga.
This user prefers to watch
some anime with subs and
some anime with dubs
 This user loves the Spring.
 This user loves the Winter.
 This user likes foggy days.
 This user loves to read.
 This user loves to write.
 This user knows basic
music theory.
 This user enjoys watching pointless animations.
  This user drinks chocolate milk.
DHMOThis user drinks plenty of dihydrogen monoxide.
  This user has social anxiety.
 This user is highly... um... What's that word again?
ØThis user is a recluse.
This user can write Cascading Style Sheets.
This user has full understanding of the Katakana or Hiragana.
<html>This user can write HTML.
 This user is an amateur artist.
 This user enjoys drawing.
 This user does
NOT like to cook!
 This user spends most of her free time thinking about random things...
 This user remembers VHS. ±
 This user is interested in her family history.
NULL LOL This user has absolutely no life. +
 This user enjoys listening to music.
 This user was up all night finding userboxes and is now very drowsy.
:(This user wishes there were more userboxes on Wikipedia.
 This user needs just one more userbox on her page!
 This user needs more userboxes. MORE, I tell you, more!!! Muhahaha!