Hong Kong Airport has a people mover in the airport, consisting of 3 stations:

Main Terminal departures

Main Terminal departures (far end)

Satelite terminal departures

There are 3 separate lines, two for the departures, and one for the arrivals.

Trains run from the main building to the satelite building for departures, and from the satelite to the main for arrivals. However, there is a third train route for airside controls to navigate between the terminals. Passengers CANNOT stay on the train between the departure passengers and the arrivals. In the case a departure passenger travels to the satelite building by mistake, it can be fixed by taking the third route used by the airside controls - this is not an offence and this third track is intentional and built this way. Passengers will not be fined for taking the airside control route from the satelite back to the main terminal.

Gates by station

Far terminal: 40-80

Satelite Terminal: 201-230

Main Terminal (inaccessible by train) all other gates

Trains run every 2-3 minutes at any given business time.