It goes without saying that education has taken a centre stage now not only in our country as a place but in the minds of our people also, which is clearly evidenced by this mammoth spread of educational institutions in the length and breadth of this country, private institutions far outnumbering the government. Despite exorbitant fees in private places they prefer to put their children in them with hopeful exuberance. Financially sound or no sound, they, trying to keep pace with their moneyed brethren, hope to get their wards admitted in branded schools, so-called or bonafide, so that they may also, together with the progeny of those elite, taste the sweet, rather than sweetened, experience of life. But not one or two, rather, numerous questions are posted in the mind about whether education really goes hand in hand with the mushrooming of education centres. Or is it always dark beneath the lamp? When a saying has its relevance--- when coined, it owns its significance from the common proceedings of our daily life--- the given thought duly lends its pragmatism to the present topic. However, this bitter reality, if and when linked with such a delicate subject as education, troubles the mind awfully. Other needs, no matter how urgent--- any necessity, anyway, presses itself at appropriate times, they may come across to us, are positively eclipsed by that of education, as it holds a key to every success of life. But sadly, it no longer enjoys that priority which it did earlier. Much advancement, no doubt, has taken place in the domain of technical education; the nation has registered growth on multiple counts, but the real testimony to this growth can be seen to be restricted to big cities only where good and famous universities, top ranking education centres with brainy academicians, able and industrious teachers, good funding on the promotion and promulgation of both education and insight into it besides the cultivation of inspirational drive in the midst of students at large and such like have made it a real success and something to feel proud of. Yet, to put the state of affairs even there to intense scrutiny, the omen is not propitious. In the name of imparting education they harbour an ulterior motive of making or squeezing money, as without a formal test intellectually poorer students get an easy access to technical institutions, with the result that they do get admitted, but at the time of campus selection the ghost of their poor credentials haunts injecting nightmarish recollections into their putative composed sense of anticipation. The final fall out presents itself as dismissive of all their prospects. At the cost of their money, time and expectations, educational institutions, not expecting even government ones, flourish to satisfy their selfish gains. Self-seeking mindset in the arena of education defeats the sacred sense of education, which may well call this act an offshoot of corruption. The thing is that corruption has countless hues, nameless designs, fathomless depths, heaven knows what not. It's necessary consequence is a systematic decline of education in all its forms. But whatever has been discussed above points to just shrugging off their responsibility in the upper echelon. Real investigation needs the causes at lower levels, as minds are cast at this formative stage of human life, which, if at all led astray, may well be disposed to flail into what lies ahead as a featureless stretch of barren mass of land with no destination in sight. A goalless journey along the academic lines finally leaves them fret and frustrated. It make them start thinking if their education is just an abortive attempt, as the way ahead does not seem promising anymore. The link between teh precious and the future education seems to have gone missing somewhere. Wishing to do something is nullified by a lack of resources. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. They are, once again apt to be dogged by misfortune, left with random choices. It is their good luck, if the chosen course of action leads them to success in life, otherwise no effort or action can even penetrate the gloom of misfortune doomed to cast its shadow over their life.