Who? edit

Doesn't matter. You're gonna call me Ninjay. So there. (^_^)

What? edit

A ninja who's standing right behind you. No, really. Check it out. (I'm only this obnoxious because I've been up all night without the misses [why go to bed without her? {I know, right}])

When? edit

November 31st.

Where? edit

Somewhere dark. It is pitch dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

Why? edit

Because you didn't light a torch/strike a match/turn a flashlight on/check your cell phone for new messages/TURN ON THE DAMN LIGHTS!!!

How? edit

No way. I refuse to explain how to turn on a light. You're an adult (or at least pretending to be one, anyway).

What is yer name? edit

I said it's Ninjay, dammit.

What is yer quest? edit

To cross this God-forsaken bridge.

What is yer favourite colour? edit


That's not a colour! edit

It is, too. C'mon old man. Everyone knows that was Darwin's greatest discovery.

Alright, off ya go. edit
