Man and Literature are both sides of a coin

A coin is a piece of hard material that is standardized in weight, is produced in large quantities in order to facilitate trade, and primarily can be used as a legal tender.

Coins are used as a form of money in transactions of various kinds, from the everyday circulation coins to the storage of large numbers of bullion coins. 

Coins are popularly used as a sort of two-sided die; in order to choose between two options with a random possibility, one choice will be labelled "heads" and the other "tails", and a coin will be flipped or "tossed" to see whether the heads or tails side comes up on top.

 coin tossing, or heads or tails is the practice of throwing a coin in the air to choose between two alternatives, sometimes to resolve a dispute between two parties. It is a form of sortition which inherently has only two possible and equally likely outcomes.

In some jurisdictions, a coin is flipped to decide between two candidates who poll equal number of votes in an election, or two companies tendering equal prices for a project. For example, a coin toss decided a City of Toronto tender in 2003 for painting lines on 1,605 km of city streets: the bids were $161,110.00 ($100.3800623 per km), $146,584.65 ($91.33 per km, exactly), and two equal bids of $111,242.55 ($69.31 per km, exactly). The numerical coincidence is somewhat less remarkable than it appears, as the situation of making the decision is more remarkable. From orient to the occident it is indeed substantial that man and literature are both sides of a coin.


Literature is the art of written work, and is not confined to published sources (although, under some circumstances, unpublished sources can also be exempt). The word literature literally means "acquaintance with letters" and the pars pro toto term "letters" is sometimes used to signify "literature," as in the figures of speech "arts and letters" and "man of letters." A literary genre consists of artistic works which fall within a certain central theme, and examples of genre include romance, mystery, crime, fantasy, erotica, treachery and romanticism. A literary technique is used by works of literature in order to produce a specific effect on the societal elements. Literary technique is distinguished from literary genre as military tactics are from military strategy. Thus, though David Copperfield employs satire at certain moments, it belongs to the genre of comic novel, not that of satire. By contrast, Bleak House employs satire so consistently as to belong to the genre of satirical novel. In this way, use of a technique can lead to the development of a new genre, as was the case with one of the first modern novels. Indeed everything mentioned above and earlier has an ultimate reflection of some decisions taken by man or deeds as a result of man’s decision, so in one way it’s quite predominant that “Man and Literature are both sides of a coin”.

philosophy of literature is a branch of aesthetics, the branch of philosophy that deals with the question, "what is art"? in one way art can be defined as anything that a man does with a deliberate intent to achieve it. An art is something that reflects a man’s thought on the base of his character.

Literature can depict a serious element into a comical representation and a comical or tragic situation into a comical reflection .this is possible when changes of opinion take place in a man’s mind while depicting a thought to the world. Again as mentioned earlier, a decisional change or variation . Describing man and literature as two sides of a coin is as vast as describing the tempest of a sea, or measuring the diameter of the earth at once indeed. Literature describes a thought. Depiction of what a man thinks , what a man does and what a man can do. It is something that is directly related to human psychology and imagination.  

                     Description of the quote 

What a perfect creation of god is man. Empowered with the biggest mascot of success- imagination and vision . Shakespeare saw man in his perfection and ‘visualised’ how his way towards perfection would lead from better to the best. From tragedy to comic elements of human life ,from treachery and brutal betrayal to the extent of romance beyond which romance has no measures. After hundreds of years Spielberg found a parallel intelligence of man in the long extinct dinosaurs, and now with the immense effort and vision of some great Indian leaders ‘digital India is indeed in reality and no more in dreams now’. Man and literature are both sides of a coin can be described as – what principals literature states , they are the practical actions that take place in the human life. As a result the we can see that just like a coin life has also two sides –optimistic and pessimistic. Although realistic and spiritualistic are a subdivision of these chambers of the human mind. There are certain situations in life when we feel that what to decide or how to decide, on what basis the decision is to be taken and there comes many perplexed questions that may bring certain hypothetical situations in life. Those are the times when the moral of a coin and it’s sides work. One of the examples of how man and ethics of literature is related is ; Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’ reflected ‘over ambition’ that took him to his doom. In real life , in today’s world even we can see hoe the greed of success takes a man to doom. At times when a person feels that he is in the depth of the sea with mercy of god, he is actually standing and surviving of his own, and sometimes when a person feels that he survives of his own, actually he is indeed with the mercy of god. When a man becomes predictive of his future erasing the deeds and efforts to be done ,he proceeds towards the doom, but when he does his work with utmost efforts and devotion forgetting the future and it’s reward ,he deserves the best. This is what stated in the ‘Karmayog’ of Hindu philosophy.

The philosophy of action and deed. Another description of the human age and the division of his life span is described as “Brahmacharya’ , ‘Grihastha’, ‘Vaanprastha’, ‘Sanyaas’. The same way the poetry by William Shakespeare states the ‘seven ages of a man’. practically these are the stages that mandatorily come to a man’s life and take him towards the path of prosperity. Many Western cultures have notions similar to karma, as demonstrated in the phrase “what goes around comes around”. The concepts of reaping what you sow from Galatians, violence begets violence and live by the sword, die by the sword are Christian expressions similar to karma. Some observers, have compared the action of karma to Western notions of sin and judgment by God or gods, while others understand karma as an inherent principle of the universe without the intervention of any supernatural being. In Hinduism, God does play a role and is seen as a dispenser of karma. The non-interventionist view is that of Buddhism and Jainism. The secular Western view is that of a deterministic universe. One question comes to my mind that is if nothing of this sort would have been existing, how would the principals have arisen? There lies the mystery ‘Othelo’, another vibrant name in the vast field of English literature describes the two most common factors of the human mind. Procrastination and prevarication. Othello is a brave and competent soldier of advanced years and Moorish background in the service of the Venetian Republic. He elopes with Desdemona, the beautiful daughter of a respected Venetian senator. After being deployed to Cyprus, Othello is manipulated by his Ancient lago, into believing Desdemona is an adulteress. Othello murders her and, upon discovering Iago's deceit, kills himself.   This principal states the moral of human life that is degrading his own thought and decision and suffering from a moral dilemma of mistrust. Mistrust takes a person to the lowest level the satanic deeds. The good side of a human mind has always the support of a celestial light of divinity. Hamlet reflects the play, vividly portraying both true and feigned madness – from overwhelming grief to seething rage – and explores themes of treachery, revenge, incest, and moral corruption. The above feelings are the common consequences of today’s world.  

                            Subterranean human nature

Human nature is indeed a very simple nature with complicated lock and keys of visions, imaginations and outlooks. Reading the later we understand the principals that literature states and the course of action that takes place in the day to day human life are interlinked. Literature can be of any origin ,any dialect but the principals are the same. Indeed education is the manifestation of perfection in man, so to understand the laws of life and renunciation ,education is necessary for fulfilling the human desires.


Nature of mind that depict the human characters:- 1. Mcbeth- overambition 2. Othelo- mistrust 3. Julius ceaser- brutality/betrayal 4. King lear- descends into madness after foolishly disposing of his estate between two of his three daughters based on their flattery, bringing tragic consequences for all. 5. The tempest- use of illusion and skilful manipulation. 6. Seven ages of man- the poem commences with life being compared to the huge actions that a person performs during his course. 7. Hamlet- revenge

Life is not a series of jig lambs symmetrically arranged but a bundle of envelopes. it’s true that everything in life is not predictable as it seem at times. It is like an envelope chosen and picked up from a bundle. We don’t know what’s there in the envelope, but this is for sure, something new. This plot is highly influenced by the plays written by William Shakespeare and their representation in the human life in this unreal word of real truths .