Adult webmaster


I've been in IT for years, as a webmaster. People usually consider webmaster a geek, mainstream webmaster, that has nothing to do with the people of different sex. But... did you ever think about adult webmaster? I've started this job a year ago, and I can't explain, but it's very interesting, pure and profitable business. It's connected with lot of traveling, meeting people, expanding your bussinness. It's different than mainstream webmaster, because there's usually no developing. The main part of the work is making adult galleries. It's more like the work of a graphic designer, because main tool (beside web designing programs) is Adobe Photoshop.


Latina Ass - I've started my first site back in 2005. And after a year of developing, it's earning a lot of money every month. It doesn't have any explicit content on it's pages, yet it's called adult website. How come?!