Where I'm from - Kochi!
The Kerala backwaters

Namaskāram! You can call me Tulasi. I'm from the beautiful land of Kerala, in India. I love overwhelming my friends with lots of random facts and information, and I usually resort to contributing to Wikipedia when they get bored of me.

Tulasi is the parent of a cat named Speckles and four guppies. Always in the mood for a chaaya and some biscuits.

My stuff

 This user wears corrective eyeglasses or contact lenses, without which they'd be as blind as a bat!
 This user loves drinking coffee with milk, especially in the afternoons.
 This user enjoys Vaporwave
 This user plays chess.
 This user is proud to be a
Keralite !
 This user is a proud Cochin Jew. 
 This user is a part time resident of Kochi
 This user is a part time resident of Tel Aviv