
I am a proud Indian.... INDIA is a country which can trace its history to 4000BC

It is a country which you either fall in love with or hate it at first sight, depending on what you come looking for in it. At least once one should visit my home country.... to see what effect it has on you...... Incredible and mysterious India.

I am a pathologist by profession, married to a wonderful man who is a Radiologist.

I love to cook and collect recipes. I read whatever I can lay my hands on... and along with my husband we like to travel and discover the world.

My Favourite prayer: Asato Ma Sadgamaya, Tamaso Ma Jyotir-Gamaya, Mrityor-Ma Amritam Gumaya, Om Shantih Shantih Shantih''

Lead me from the unreal to the Real, Lead me from darkness to Light, Lead me from mortality to Immortality, Om Peace ! Peace ! Peace ! Om Peace ! Peace ! Peace !