Name: Hydrogen Symbol: H Number: 1 Catagory: Nonmetal Group: 1 Period: 1 Block: s Standard Atomic Weight: 1.00794 g/mol Electron Configuration: 1s Electrons Per Shell: 1 Year Discovered: 1766 Discovered By: Henry Cavendish Color: colorless Phase: gas Density: 0.0000899 g/cm³ Liquid Density at M.P.: 0.07 g/cm³ Liquid Density at B.P.: 0.07099 g/cm³ Melting Point: 14.01 K Boiling Point: 20.28 K Triple Point: 13.8033 K (-259 °C), 7.042 kPa Critical Point: 32.97 K, 1.293 MPa Superconduction Temperature: N/A Heat of Fusion: (H₂) 0.117 kJ/mol Heat of Vaporization: (H₂) 0.904 kJ/mol Molar Heat Capacity: (H₂) 28.836 J/(mol·K) Specific Heat: 14300 J/(kg⋅K) Oxidation States: 1, -1 (amphoteric oxide) Electronegativity: 2.20 Electron Affinity: 72.8 kJ/mol Valence: 1 Ionization Energies: 1st: 1312 kJ/mol Covalent Radius: 31±5 pm Calculated Radius: 53 pm Empirical Radius: 25 pm Atomic Radius: N/A Van der Waals Radius: 120 pm Crystal Structure: hexagonal Magnetic Ordering: diamegnetic Thermal Conductivity: 0.1805 W/(m⋅K) Electrical Conductivity: N/A Speed of Sound: 1310 m/s Young's Modulus: N/A Shear Modulus: N/A Bulk Modulus: N/A Poisson Ratio: N/A Mohs Hardness: N/A Vickers Hardness: N/A Brinell Hardness: N/A Reflectivity: N/A Refractive Index: 1.000132 CAS Registry Number: 1333-74-0 More Information: Wikipedia