User:NegativeMP1/Video game location tracking




General locations and levels


I am not counting quests or puzzles like The Bloody Baron. Likely won't be too much of help for locations in games I never played.

General locations
Name/Article Game of origin Current class What to improve Extra words
All Ghillied Up Call of Duty  
Anor Londo Dark Souls  
Black Mesa Research Facility Half Life  
Citadel (Mass Effect) Mass Effect  
Cow level Diablo  
Dracula's Castle (Castlevania) Castlevania  
Effect and Cause Titanfall  
Green Hill Zone Sonic the Hedgehog  
Hokkaido (Hitman) Htiman  
Ivalice Final Fantasy  
Kamurochō Yakuza  
Lavender Town Pokemon  
Half-Life 2: Lost Coast Half-Life  
Liberty Island (Deus Ex) Deus Ex  
Megaton (Fallout 3) Fallout  
Midgar Final Fantasy  
Milkman Conspiracy Psychonauts  
Minus World Super Mario  
Mushroom Kingdom Mario  
Normandy (Mass Effect) Mass Effect  
No Russian No Russian  
Ocean House Hotel Vampire: The Masquerade  
Raccoon Police Station Resident Evil  
Rainbow Road (Mario Kart) Mario Kart  
Rapture (BioShock) BioShock  
Ravenholm Half-Life  
Robbing the Cradle Thief: Deadly Shadows  
Sapienza (Hitman) Hitman  
The Silent Cartographer Halo  
Spencer Mansion Resident Evil  
Spira (Final Fantasy) Final Fantasy  
Tilted Towers (Fortnite) Fortnite  
USG Ishimura Dead Space  
Water Temple (Ocarina of Time) The Legend of Zelda  
World 1-1 Super Mario  
Yharnam Bloodborne  
"Universe Of"
Article Current class Notable What to improve
List of competitive Counter-Strike maps  
Locations of Half-Life  
Universe of Mass Effect  
Pokémon universe  
Universe of Kingdom Hearts  
Universe of The Legend of Zelda  

Multiplayer levels


Levels that serve as multiplayer maps.

Name/Article Game of origin Current class What to improve Extra words
2Fort Team Fortress   Could use general expansion.
Blood Gulch Halo   Expand development section, add images of future versions
Dust II Counter-Strike   No apparent issues. Already GA, won't be touching this.
Facing Worlds Unreal Tournament   No apparent issues, though could be expanded. This article isn't bad, good even.
Inferno (Counter-Strike) Counter-Strike   Maintain for the upcoming release of Counter-Strike 2. My creation.
Mirage (Counter-Strike) Counter-Strike  
Nuke (Counter-Strike) Counter-Strike   Article lacks design section. Shouldn't have existed in my opinion, but I'll work with it.
Nuketown (Call of Duty) Call of Duty   Lacks history or development section. My creation.