User:NateAugdahl/Swimming at the 2020 Summer Olympics/Ekzielke Peer Review

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Link to draft you're reviewing
Sandbox: User:NateAugdahl/Swimming at the 2020 Summer Olympics
Bibliography: User:NateAugdahl/Swimming at the 2020 Summer Olympics/Bibliograpy
Link to the current version of the article (if it exists)
Swimming at the 2020 Summer Olympics

Evaluate the drafted changes

  • I suggest adding to bibliography, when you do add sources to contributions in the article Wikipedia will need those references, so the sooner you find them, the better.
  • In the Sandbox, I think the history of Olympic swimming looks good, but I feel like History of Olympic Swimming could be a different topic to the Swimming at the 2020 Summer Olympics, so make sure the points relate to swimming at the 2020 Olympics.
  • Also, I feel that the lead and article body need to be more clearly defined so the writing process can flow better.
  • Don't forget to add those sources in APA citation as well and it's from a trustworthy scholarly source.
  • When you say "Swimming at the 1896 Olympics was an experimental event that include events that are no longer included events", you could expand on those events and write what they were.
  • Furthermore, I like the overall tone of the paragraph, it has a nice neutral structure that is easy to read.
  • Lastly, I feel like this topic is headed in the right direction, it just needs more content relating to the subject and you need those bibliography sources.