The School of Hospitality Management and Tourism




  |side-box 1 color
  |main box color
  |ID/icon 1
  |ID/icon 2
  |border color (defaults to same as side-box 1)
  |side-box 2 color (defaults to same as side-box 1)


  |float    = 
  |border-c = border color
  |border-s = border width

  |id1      = side-box 1 content
  |id1-c    = side-box 1 colour
  |id1-s    = side-box 1 font size
  |id1-fc   = side-box 1 font color
  |id1-op   = side-box 1 CSS properties

  |info     = main box content
  |info-c   = main box colour
  |info-s   = main box font size
  |info-fc  = main box font color
  |info-lh  = main box line height
  |info-p   = main box padding
  |info-op  = main box CSS properties

  |id2      = side-box 2 content
  |id2-c    = side-box 2 colour
  |id2-s    = side-box 2 font size
  |id2-fc   = side-box 2 font color
  |id2-op   = side-box 2 CSS properties
  • If border-c is not specified, id1-c will be used
  • All parameters are optional

Programmes of Study

DT450 - Management Principles
DT452 - Hygiene and Safety
DT453 - Communications and Customer Excellence
DT454 - Revenue Management
DT456 - Computer Applications
DT459 - Becoming an Effective Manager
DT457 - Introduction to Marketing
DT449 - Performance Management Skills

Higher Certificate in Hospitality Services Management (DT451)
Certificate in Hospitality Management (run by the Irish Hospitality Institute)
BA (Ord) in HospitalityManagement (Part-time) (DT460)

Hospitality Programmes

BA Hospitality Management (Full-time) (DT408T) (level 7)
BSc International Hospitality Management (DT401T) (level 8)

Tourism Programmes

BA Tourism Management (DT406T) (level 7) BSc Tourism Marketing (DT412) (level 8)

Event Management Programmes

BSc Event Management (DT413) (level 8)

Leisure Management Programmes

BA Leisure Management (DT411) (level 7)

One Year Add-on (Level 8) Programmes (apply to DIT directly)

BSc Tourism Management (DT406H)
BSc Hospitality Management (DT408H)
BSc Leisure Management (DT411H)