Initiation to culture :The story of the black in Meknes.

Meknes is a city where every year people come from all Morocco to be in what we call Moussem .In it we selebrate the birth of the profet ,but in the reality people are there for Al Baraka of a man called Chick Al Kamal.In this selebration I remarque every year some thing new ,but there is some thing which is repeated every year so it is at the same time strange and interesting. In the end of the Moussem people goes as a first step to visit the grave of the saint ,but when they return they are in trance, and the strange ,is that they can kill you if you are wearing the black. Of corss it isn't normal, so what is the explenation of this phenomenon ? Is it sycological or culturale ? And how common people explane that? Common people of corse can't explane that scientifically ,and when I say common people I mean you and me ,who don't have good knowledge neither in culture nor in history. Some of us can say ,that those people are hanted by goasts who oblige them to attack the black because those gots hate this color .But is it logic to say that ? Of corss no !!!!! Because those people are illiterants they give explenations which are as strange as the nature of the event. But if we turn over this situation ,we can't deny that there is some thing strange ,because they attack the black and specialy the black ,so why this color ? is there a story behind that ? I had searched for the correct and logic explanation to this cultural act. After the death of the profet a war explosed between Sounists and Chiits ,and if we looke after the flag of the Chiits ,we are gonna find ,that it was black ,because they wanted to show sadness towards the death of Ali and his two sons Alhassan and Alhoussin ,that's why we see "Mouktada Sadre "for example whith black clothes . For the Sounists they used to have a green flague as a signe of Islam ,that's why we can see the green color in most of Islamic countries's flagues specially in the north of Africa like Morocco for example.So Issawa and Hmadcha are sounists ,and it is normal to attack the enemy who is the Chiits and recognized by the black color. Of corss I can wear the black even I am not Chiit but we don't have to forget that those people when they attack they are not normal ,they are in trance .or in what we call in arabic "JADBA". So in our country and all over the world, there are millions of things that we can't explane easaly ,but if we return to the culture we can find a lot of impressive ,and amazing explenations.




The first chapter is an introduction to our main character whose name is Chance. That man, grew and spent his all life in a big house as a servent in the Old man's residence. His task was the garden, while his only entertainement was the television. Chance was a baby, adopted by the Old man because he was orphan,he grew up little by little to be a handsome man but just in appearance, because he is simply a man with a childish mind. That chapter can make us very near from Chance, and obliges us to simpathize with him. So, the first lines of that beautiful book is an encouragement to follow the story of an innocent man representing the good part in a human existence.

CH 2

Reading the second chapter, we feel that we get out of Chance's domain, and enter in the real life and the story. Chance got up a morning on the loud voice of the made in the house, talking on the phone screaming and shouting, she was calling an ambulance to rescue the Old man who was ready to pass the bridge leading to immortality on Chance's sad eyes. He approached the man who took care of him all his life and tried to wake him; unfortunatly, the week old man was like died birds which fell in Chance's garden from time to time. After minutes, some strangers entered and get him out. For the first time in his life, Chance was very sad, he went in his room and turned on his TV. That chapter is very significant and moving, full of emotions and makes us nearer from Chance.

In the second part of the chapter, all changes happened in that house. But Chance was all ready prepared because on TV, whenever someone die, all types of changes happen, brought either by lawyers or by other fools. Thus, Chance was right and he knew it when the loyers representing the Old man's family came for some things that he do not anderstand -administrial issues- but what he does not understand is why those people were asking him some strange questions conserning his identity and so on, he tryied to explain to them that he was odopted by the Old man, and had been working here for all his life. Unfortunatly, those people gave him two days to leave the property in spite of the maid's story. Chance went straight to his garden knowing that he will never see it again, sat down and started to wonder.

CH 3

Chance, and after being pulled out from his home, he had an accident in the street. The woman who was in the car with her choffeur was very friendly and looked very rich. After looking Chance's leg, she decided to bring him to her home to be seen by a doctor. During the way, Chance introduced him self to the woman whose name was Mrs Elisabeth Rand but "EE" for friends. Chance knew that she was married, he analysed her personality to replay : "My name is Chancey, Chancey the Gardiner ". After arriving at EE hasband's home, he saw a huge palace with many roomes, gardens, trees, walls, and servants. Imidiatly after, he was brought straight to the doctor who was there to examine Mr Rand, after few minutes, the doctor gave his opinion. Fortunatly, Chance was not suffering from something serious, so he was adviced to relax few days and he will be great. The problem was that Chance know that in TV, when someone is a stranger in a house, people in it do not feel good. So he was very embaraced, but with a woman sense, EE felt it and at the moment, she asked him if he had any family or urgent business to do, the surprise was that Chance was clean, no family, no where to go. As a result of that, EE invited him to stay with them a moment using the argument that she and her husband were alown in that big house. Continuing in the same chapter, new details have emerged, Chance was introduced to Mr Rand in a dinner organized by EE. The beginning of the conversation was a litle bit hard, but after few minutes, Chance adapted the situation to a TV program and started speaking business with the man and mentioned that he had a special view on business but he had not the time to finish his point of view, it was time for launch.

So, we can consider this chapter as a real obstacle infront of Chance to addapte him self in a short time to the way of living in the American society. But every reader can remark the roll of Chance's experience throw television, and every situation fit with a program that he had certainly seen before.

CH 4

After Chance was introduced and invited to Rand's house, a surprise happened. Benjamin Rand, as an important business man ans a shareman in the American business corporation, was a dear friend of the President of USA. So, knowing that Mr Rand was ill, the leader of the nation decided to visit him in his house. After his arrival, the important man was presented to Chance who had seen that face just in Tv and never dreamed that one day he would shake his hand. After the presentations, the three men engaged a conversation about economy. Chance could not understand every thing, but when the president demanded him his opinion, Chance said that the economy is like a garden, it must pass by all the seasons, bad and good in order to flourish. The president was happy, he fell in love with Chance's paroles. After knowing the state concerning Rand's health, he went to pronounce the annual speech as the president of The American Business Corporation, but the surprise was that he pronounced Chance's words to answer questions on economical problems, though, as a gentel man, he mentioned that he saw the economy from another side -optimistic side- after his conversation with Mr Rand and his friend Mr Chancey Gardiner. The first man was already known, but for Chance, he was already famous in all the USA.

The next day, after the president's speech, all the medias were talking about Mr Chancey. But the surprise was that a TV program named "This Evening" invited Chance to be part of a channel seen by fourty million americans, as the "Cheif Architect" of the president speech. After arriving, he was a little bit surprised because he used to see it just in appearence. The host was friendly and tried to make Chance at ease. So the program bigan, and the question was: Do you agree with the president's speech? The beginning was bad, but Chance decided to surrender to what will happen and at that moment he became natural and started to give his point of view, comparing the economy to his small garden with a big sense of philosiphy and wisdom. Thus, his last words were lost in the crowd's bravos; however, there were some isolated boos. Chance was aware of the number of people watching Tv at that moment, he was simply happy, the producer, even the boss was happy. So his time was finished, he went out guided by the producer. For America, Mr Chancey the Gardiner was a brilliance financer, a presidential adviser, and a true stateman. Unfortunatly beside many friends he had during his first appearance in front of people, he had also enemies waiting for him to fail, he and his arguments, among them there was Mr Franklin, the lawyer who obliged Chance to get out of his first house. But he could not remember the place where he saw the man in the show. It might be a good thing for Chance who seems to enjoy his new life. After arriving at Rand's home, Mr Chancey was warmly congratulated by all the servants, even Mr Rand was waiting for him after his great performance. After opening the door, Rand was very ill, he saw Chance with a kind of felicity, he looked like a father proud of his son.

For EE, she was flying to home, because she was in Denver. During that time, she was thinking of Chance, who in her opinion, a litle bit mestirious and too calm. Every time, she tried to question him for several times, his answer was all the time related either to Tv or to nature. One time, she attempted to search for some papers that prouf his identity, instead of that, she descovered that all his clothes were old-fashio and homemade, add to that fact, an absence of any paper conserning that man. However, EE was certain that he was an angle with any capacity to hurt or to cause any injury to any one. In this way, she tried to find a logic explenation to this, so she supposed that he had suffered from a financial crisis or an old love. What EE was sure from is that she was falling in love, her pulse were fast when she was near him, his face was in her mind at any time, she was trying all the time his arms around her, his lips pronouncing the devine word. Like a bird, she flies when she know that he is next to her. But the most good thing in him, for her, is his strong and misterious personality that seduced her at the first time, his total lack of interest conserning women.

After arriving at the house, she went straight to Chance's room with a strange determination. She opened the door and saw her love sitting in front of his Tv screen. Along half an houre, she had tried to turn him on and make him understand. Chance had already seen that situation in TV but had never known what happen after the embrace because it is all the time dark, so he was confused and shy. At a moment, EE stopped and said:"Chance, I'm in love with you", and went to her room. Chance continued watching TV but wondring at the same time.


Now, we can consider that Chance has become a famous man and a part of Rand's family. This chapter is a real confirmation of this. The morning that followed Chance's performance, EE visited him to see what will be his reaction towards her, unfortunatly, Chance was the same and this was what EE loved in him. Chance smiled at her and expected something from her. He was right, EE wanted him to accompany her to the meeting organized by the United Nations. For EE, it was a great oportunity for Chance to meet important people like ambassadors for example. However, Chance saw in her eyes an urge to say something, he encourages her with a smile expressing agreement, after this, EE invited Chance to stay with them as a member of the family. The surprise was the simple "yes" that EE heard. She was a woman in love, a great smile with a beautiful face. She started to turn around the room, suggesting secretaries, programs for the day, activities that will share with him. Before lunch, EE rang Chance to present him his new secretary, an old woman with gray hair named Mrs Obrey. So with this, Mr Chance is officialy a permanent member of the family. The annual meeting of the UN took place, the most valuable guest was Mr Chance who had the attention of the Russian embassador. After his success that night, EE was almost in love match than before.

CH 6

Skrapinov, the russian was so impressed by the Gardiner that he wanted to know every thing conserning that man. In the other side, the president was searching too. But both of them were surprised when they saw the despered face of their searchers who were not able to find anything.

CH 7

Schneider was a stranger for the reader in the chapter, ankown with his band, they spoke about Chance to do sth for them, maby elections.

At that time Chance was at a reception where he went out and wespread, he had a moment of peace and that is a good end for the reader, so basing ourselfs on the previous facts, we can imagine an end for the story.