This is the totes official wikipoodia page of the NI Potato Crew. NI Potato Crew is primarily a DOTA 2 casual team, ranked 2256 in the WORLD. One of their most famous matches was against Chair Inc. Unfortunately, they lost this match, but they learnt a lot from the experience, am I right lads? *high fives*

NI Potato Crew, like the majority of Dota 2 teams, consists of five players. These players' names will be given below (not their real names, for security reasons)

Position 1: Buttons

Position 2: Cameroon

Position 3: Andy "Captain" (apparently)

Position 4: Harr

Position 5: Conmon (the 2nd)

NI Potato Crew membership is a highly coveted award, and a rigourous training exercise must take place. There is a team dedicated to people who wish to join their ranks, called "Spudlet." Our position 5, Conmon was originally a member of spudlet, and he replaced one of our underperforming team members, who has since stopped playing dota, presumbaly out of shame. The most recent addition to the Potato enterprise would be our latest team "Potatoes of the Norse Apocalypse" This is a team, where positions are constantly being changed, to adapt to who is there at the time, for casual team matches. Positions in this team are never solid, exept for Harr, who made it.