~Wikigreedia~ …
   .Wikigreedia is a new word for an old condition.  “Wiki” is a Hawaiian word that generally means quick or fast.  Practitioners of this behavior can often be seen ‘climbing and gathering’ with great determination in the machinery of life and often act as if they will ‘leave nothing behind’ when their life is over.  They sometimes adopt the ideal of “love things—use people” instead of “using things and loving people.”  Many people who have lived a little while tend to think the nature of man has not changed dramatically over the centuries.  There have always been greedy people and opportunists in every generation.  And yet, the “wiki-ness” of our times may be unprecedented.  
   Wikigreedia is a modern word for any type of ridicuous grab for gain, be it by politicians, power-brokers, "puppets" or "players" on the world stage. It is not uncommon for us to now have the facts come to light of greed and corruption on many levels of behavior.  Dictators may clean out their own countries treasuries of wealth or art as they sense their demise or collapse of power.  Corporate CEO’s award themselves ridiculous bonuses even sometimes when their company ‘ship’ is sinking and getting bailouts from taxpayers money!  Now in the high speed internet age there are more “wiki” schemes (get rich quick) than ever before. An example of this new word in use would be:  "The Madoff Ponzi scheme was a classic example of wikigreedia."

see: Bernard Madoff - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard_Madoff

   If you look at your daily scenery objectively you may notice subtle changes that reveal a remarkable mindset.  If you know anything about marketing you realize that you put your biggest money makers in places like isle ends or near the main doors of your business.  Would you have thought ten or fifteen years ago that in most every grocery store, mini-mart, and gas plaza you would see get rich quick machines in the main traffic areas?  Many know of people who sacrifice their families grocery money for scratch off or lottery tickets.
  See:  www.journey-man.org  ie. Wikigreedia