
If words are stones then let us not be afraid to speak. Mysticreader is you. Whenever you want to say things as they are, you become Mysticreader. Mysticreader is you when you follow poetry onto the ending of the world. You do not tire to seek it in stone, in prayer, in a triptych altar, in the face of the girl of Umm Inderaba or in the little orchard girl of Kathmandu or in the fisherman in Agadir or perhaps in the expressions of a mysterious puppet in Turin. Then, books, always books, immortal books and projects, always, everywhere you go, they will go with you. Famous or forgotten books onto which Mysticreader’s editors want to throw new light in our REVIEWS section.

Mountains of pages and emotions along with comparisons, complaints on not letting history die, so as to make tradition and progress find other ways to dialogue with new rules for development. Three things will never lack in Mysticreader: courage, enthusiasm and curiosity. Mysticreader is the courage of those who ask loudly for the end of the oblivion and the neglect of Culture and Art, the end of a degradation which is able to slowly kill mankind’s future. Only the awareness of our roots can teach us to respect the culture of others.

Mysticreader is a voyage with no dead ends. A voyage through countries, into the past and into the mind. Become Mysticreader. Freedom of thought. YOUR COMMENTS. No limit. Images & stories never seen before.

Literature, art, cinema, paintings, music, ecology. is an open forum which debates on a wide variety of different themes. Dozens of topics, comments and reviews covering a whole variety of different subjects make up Mysticreader. The organization has many employees and is constantly updated. This bilingual website is organized by Edoardo Simone Paluan who is responsible for coordinating the English and Italian headquarters. In his store there are thousands of unpublished pages. Novels, short stories, reportages, images, draft books, comments, files, works of art focusing on the past and the present, famous or unknown. Our topics are amongst the most diverse. These topics are fuelled by curiosity and the desire to survey.

This at the same time animates his collaborators, brings new light to topics, subjects, characters and works.’s strength is to give space for often contradictory ideas. What characterizes Mysticreader is curiosity, the desire to understand, to investigate and to ask, if anything, new questions on topics which have already been discussed. These topics are only apparently exhausted, but they deserve renewed interest, enthusiasm and new interpretations. Something which Mysticreader is capable of doing. is an opportunity open to all those willing to express their own opinions, critics and comments on the most disparate subjects. Towards Kabul, Bandango, Amen Love, Cybor Girl, Sara Sang-the story that never ends-are some of the unpublished works longing for a publisher.

Mysticreader supports Reevolution poétique: Enter the Poetic Revolution

Support the civil rights battles fought by Maelstromeditions in Brussels: Enter Maelstromeditions

Among Mysticreader’s friends there are:

Penguin Canada on You Tube: Enter Penguin Canada

Peace Reporter: Enter Peacereporter

The Literary Frusta: Enter the Literary Frusta

The Marquis of Monferrato: Enter The Moferrato

PROMO in the states:

... Cities, deserts, oceans and nations. Smells and tastes, ideas, fleeing moments. Poetry inside all of these things as an irrepressible side-kick. The warmth of faces, present in meetings, in landscapes and in books, many books, friends, stories, novels be they famous or unknown. Stories of people and their cities, images which remain engraved in the mind but especially in the heart. This is Mysticreader. It is you who will write and say your ideas. Books looking for publishers and editors to promote ideas and projects ... Words, simple words, but as hard and as enduring as stones thrown against indifference, neglect and arrogance. To save what remains of our myths and love the culture of all peoples. Which is also ours.

Mysticreader is on You Tube and Current with dozens of minivideos:

Enter Mysticreader's channel on Youtube Enter Mysticreader's channel on Current TV

Among the more recent of Mysticreader’s rediscoveries there is also a region of great charm and history, sung by the troubadours and minstrels: Monferrato. Mysticreader decided to symbolically adopt and promote the amazing treasures of this enchanting land, through a series of services dedicated to the players, events, works with its incredible past and present.

Enter Lorenzo Fornaca's page on Mysticreader

Read a preview of the annals of the Monferrato on Mysticreader

Discover the wonders of the Monferrato

The Discovered Paintings of a genius

Read: The Sun Merchant on Mysticreader

If words are stones then let us not be afraid to speak. Mysticreader is you. Whenever you want to say things as they are, you become Mysticreader. Mysticreader is you when you follow poetry onto the ending of the world.