1) Study the painting


Study the painting.

What aspects of Romanticism (use Prelude 5 pp. 200-205 in textbook) are present? Consider Romanticism adjectives as discussed in class: Passion, Emotion, Exoticism, Dreams, Extremes. - Much like in the Baroque adjectives, passion is present in this Romatic Era painting. The image instills a light and almost weightless feeling much like the feeling while listening to Grieg's Morning Mood. The dark shadows and clouds make the viewer feel almost sad and haunted as the day is coming to an end, however, the light peaking from behind the mountains contrasts the dark by providing a peaceful reminder of the sunrise to come. Greig's Morning Mood goes perfectly with the majestic feel of Bierstadt's Sunset In the Yosemite Valley. Sunsets, along with sunrise's, in exotic places of nature are usually seen as dreamy, which correlates perfectly with the exotic, and dream aspects of Romanticism. Bierstadt's painting also exhibits a lot of extremes, such as the contrast of the sunlight and dark clouds, which also corresponds with the dynamics of Greig's Morning Mood. The song begins at a loud and moderaterly fast tempo, respresenting the bright sun hiding behind the mountains in the painting. As the song progresses the music seems to decrescendo into a moderately soft and slow, feflecting the sun setting. The pitch in the song also begins high and turns low displaying the sun as is goes from high in the sky to low in the valley in the painting. Describe the texture of the painting. The texture of the painting is homophonic as all the musical components of the painting play together. The flute and oboe are the melody revealing the peacful valley and fading light. The horns and the rest of the orchestra accompany the melody by representing the clouds and shadows saying farewell to the sun in the painting. Describe the use of color. The sky is a mixture of yellows and oranges that is played by the flute and oboe in the painting. The dark clouds and shadows are dark browns and blacks, preformed by the horn and orchestra providing an elegant feature in the painting. Describe the lines (clarity). The clouds in the painting are soft and dont have any harse lines contributing to the airy and peaceful feeling, while examing the painting.

Which specific elements/ objects in the painting could represent the following musical elements? Melody The melody present in this painting can be viewed as being calm, cool, and collected. This painting showcases a sense of softness with the way the scene is present to us. The sunset can represented by a string of violins playing a soft melody as the sun fades away. A soft melody of flutes accompany the violin to provide this picture a lighthearted tone. Harmony The harmony in this painting would be the lingering clouds amidst the sunset. This can be shown by the rumbling of drums and percussion instruments. These clouds could show a nearby storm passing through or simply just the night taking over the day. There could also be a mixture of trumpets and horns blaring in the background. The Harmony seems to be the underlying part of this picture, which is defined by the dark, overcasting clouds. Texture The texture of this piece is polyphonic due to the contrast in appearence of the picture There are dark clouds overshadowing a brilliant sunset, which shows the difference in the instruments and how they are presented. The texture is homophonic also because it looks as if there could be the same notes being played between the two contrasting images. They can play the same notes, but in a different pitch.

Musical Elements

5A. Melody: Conjunct because pitches move in small intervals.

B. Harmony: E Major, with many harmonic parts within the piece.

C. Texture: Homophonic

D. Rhythm & Tempo: Compound duple meter

E. Dynamics & Timbre: Crescendo throughout the piece and decrescendo towards the end.

F. Instrumentation: Pastoral instruments such as oboe, flute, and the horn.

6. The painting and music are similar because the music is conjunct and the painting appears to be peaceful and quiet.