A Life Story Of A Real GeniOus.. In The Year 1994 October 20th, A BABY BOY Was BOrn.. Sunshine In My Eyes, StrOng As A StOne, Tigers & LiOns Feared MyBirth, AnGels Blesses Me FrOm The Heaven.. All HOt Girls Planned ToMARRY Me.. My Parents Were Very HAPPY & Named ME ZOHAIB.. I'm PrOud Of My Heart EveryOne Played With It , Love It , BrOke It.. But SOmehOw It Still WOrks.. I'm NOtSingle.. I'm NOt COmmitted.. I'm Simply On ReserveFOr The One WhO Deserves.. If SOmeOne Asks Me With WhOm YOu Want To Spend YOur Entire Life,I'll Simply Say "SOmeOne WhO Understands That I'm NOt PERFECT" Its not easy to describe me because i am better described in word which is UnpredictableI Don't At All Like Knowing What People Say Of Me Behind My Back.. It Makes Me Far Too Conceited..I am extremist in my passions (love). My passion is 2 get something different, unique and extra ordinary of everything. I believe that there's only one life and i hv to live it to my max. The past is gone but now is forever. The future doesn't lies in my hands but it lies in the hands of present. I grasp the seconds of the day as i hv only that day to live. I experience and enjoy the moments of life as i hv only one life to live and i want to live it like a champion. Its my life and i make decisions that please me, i don't let any body to put me down. I don't live in any body's shadows or dreams. If i hv a dream, i act upon it and my dream surely comes true. I finish each and every day and agree with it happenings bkz i hv done what i could. I forget all the absurdities thinking that tomorrow is a new day and i begin it with too high spirits. I expect trouble as an inevitable part of life and when it they comes, i hold my head high, looks into its eyes and says that i m bigger than u, U can't defeat me!Y0u Cant Break Me c0x I'm Already Br0ken ANGEL.I May N0t Be Perfect But I'm Always Me...

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Know Me WELL,

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