Muhammad Akil IPS

Early Life Muhammad Akil has a multi-faceted personality. He is an Administrator, Civil Servant, a police officer and a thinker. He was born on 01.01.1966 in Harduaganj town of district Aligarh of Uttar Pradesh (India). He did his High School from Uttar Pradesh Education Board in 1979 in Ist Division. He did his pre-University Class in 1980 with Ist Division from Aligarh Muslim University. After that he completed B.Sc.Physics (I&II year)in 1982 and attained Ist Position from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. Then he completed his B.Tech.Civil Engineering in 1987 with Ist Position from the same University. After that he qualified GATE Exam in 1987 with 99.61 percentile. He did his M.Tech. Structures (2 smstrs) from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi in 1988 in Ist Division. Career History Muhammad was selected in the 1987 Batch of Indian Engineering Services and allotted job in Central Public Works Department. He remained Assistant Executive Engineer in Consultancy Services Division, CPWD during the year 1988-89. He further qualified the Civil Services Examination conducted by the Union Public Service Commission in the year 1989. He was allotted in the Indian Police Services in Haryana Cadre. After completion of training, he remained posted as Assistant Superintendent of Police in Ambala, Kurukshetra and Yamunanagar districts. Thereafter, during the year 1994-95, he remained posted as Addl. Superintendent of Police Rohtak. After getting promotion as SP, he remained posted in Mahendergarh, Bhiwani, Faridabad, Jhajjar, Ambala and Rewari and Panchkula districts. He also had a brief stint of six months as Superintendent of Police, Security, Haryana in the year 2000. While serving as Superintendent of Police,Ambala, he held additional charge of Chief Executive Officer of Haryana Wakf Board as well as Superintendent of Police,Panchkula. After promotion in the rank of Deputy Inspector General of Police, he served as Deputy Inspector General of Police, Crime Branch during the year 2005-06. He proceed for Central deputation in Border Security Forces w.e.f.01.11.2006 and remained posted as Deputy Inspector General, Headquarters, Ferozepur and Deputy Inspector General Headquarters, Amritsar till 31.07.2010. He came back to the parent cadre on 01.08.2010 and remained posted as Inspector General of Police, Law & Order, Haryana till 04.06.2014. He also entrusted with the additional charge of Director, Haryana Police Academy, Madhuban from 31.10.2011 to 04.05.2012. After taking up the rank of Addl. Director General of Police, he was posted as Addl. Director General of Police, Law & Order, Haryana and he is serving on this post till date. Since 18.04.2014 to 17.04.2016 he has held additional charge of Chief Executive Officer, Haryana Wakf Board. Since 19.06.2014 to 28.3.2017 he has also held an additional charge of Administrator, Haryana Wakf Board. From May,2014 he is serving as Member, Haryana Wakf Board.

Papers published He has published Articles in International Journals. He, after his deep research on the topic "Almighty, the Universe", published an Article in the American Journal of Physics and Applications in the year 2013. He has also published an Article in the International Journal of Fundamental Physics and Science in 2013.


                      The best minds in this world are of the opinion that the life exists on the planet earth, approximately, for the last two billion years. The figure appears to be purely guesswork. It could be any other figure, say in billion years, or in trillion years as well. We are even more ignorant about the number of stars in our galaxy or the number of galaxies in the Universe. The oft-quoted figures run into billions and trillions. 
                      Similarly, a lot of effort has gone in figuring out the centre of the Universe, Its age and shape, Its beginning and end etc.  Then, some scientists have worked extremely hard to discover the elementary basic particle which has been used in the formation of various constituents of the Universe. But the results achieved by them have been and are being revised or altered by their successors after very short periods of time. 
  		       Extensive theoretical work is being conducted to decide whether the Universe is expanding, contracting or is static.  Big Bang theory has been propagated to explain the beginning of the Universe assuming It to begin at some definite point of time. Theory of general relativity tried to explain some of the unanswered questions, but very soon, a more refined theory known as Superstring theory had to be developed to explain some conflicting results arising out of the relativity theory. 
        		The discovery of time dimension was an important milestone in the man's quest for knowledge. However, the direction of time, as also whether it is reversible or not is still puzzling us.  Similarly, discovery of carcasses of stars, popularly known as the black holes, in the Universe made the scientific world ecstatic with joy and now it is guessed that a black hole would disappear completely in a tremendous final burst of energy emission.   
 			We shall realize that this much knowledge could percolate down to us only after a large number of thinkers, religious leaders, physicists, astronomers, mathematicians and other naturally gifted luminaries have made significant contributions towards the behaviour of the great Universe. Aristotle, Ptolemy, Copernicus, Newton, Galileo, Darwin, Einstein, Heisenberg, Stephen Hawking, Brian Greene etc are some of the well-known personalities who have delved deep into the vast mysteries of the Universe to enlighten the mankind on Its majesty. The list is unending but it is difficult to mention the names of all known names in this field. However, it will certainly not belittle the efforts of those luminaries who either could not or did not express their understanding of the issue; or their work could not get its due recognition due to some unknown and inexplicable reasons. 
         		Aristotle argued that the earth was spherical in shape instead of a flat surface as was considered earlier. Ptolemy, in his Almagest, presented a geo-centric model of the Universe. While Copernicus thought that the sun was stationary and the planets moved in circular orbits around it. But later on, Newton's law of universal gravitational attraction proved that the celestial bodies follow elliptical orbits instead of the circular ones. 
  		        At around the same time, Charles Darwin, the celebrated naturalist mesmerized the mankind by propagating the evolutionary theory and the process of natural selection in species.
  		        Researches by Stephen Hawking, the supernova of world physics on black holes and by Brian Greene on superstring theory have taken us somewhat nearer to the minimum satisfaction level. 
                       However, despite the tremendous efforts made by various luminaries during the past thousands of years, the Universe has still remained a big, large and complicated riddle eluding permanently satisfactory replies to some of the most natural queries which regularly take birth inside the human minds. 


     		         Let us list these most natural queries; the replies achieved till date; discuss their correctness and adequacy; try to figure out the scope for further improvement; and develop a model which is capable of truthfully and adequately solving the riddles taking birth in the simplest of human minds. The test of the model shall be in quenching the intellectual thirst of anybody who looks at and feel the great Universe with respect, compassion and pride. 

1. Beginning and end of the Universe? Direction of time dimension?

       Some scientists believe that the Universe came into existence at a time when an event called the Big Bang occurred. At that point of time, the Universe was supposedly infinitesimally small and, therefore, infinitely dense. But the main point again remains unanswered as to when this infinitely dense and infinitesimally small Universe came into existence. The Big Bang theory appears to be a result of observing some expansion in the Universe.  The observation appears to be correct at the present moment but its extrapolation that it is only expanding and expanding since times immemorial may not be correct. It may be cyclically expanding and contracting as It is dynamic having life in It and certainly not static. There is no meeting of minds amongst the scientists regarding Its origin and end. In the words of Stephen Hawking '…but if the universe is really self contained, having no boundary or edge, it would be neither created nor destroyed. It would simply be. What place, then, for a creator?...’
       We will try to effectively remove this ambiguity as to the role of the creator. 
   	The direction and reversibility of time dimension troubles us when we start manufacturing theories based on very limited observations that too for an even more limited time-periods. The research and the subsequent findings till date have not been able to decide the direction and reversibility of time. 

2. Size and shape of the Universe?

      	No unity could be developed amongst the scientists as to the size and shape of the Universe. They could only say that It is expanding at the moment. They could not even decide whether there could be a unified theory to explain the Universe's behaviour. 

3. Centre of the Universe?

    	 Some thinkers declared that a specific point on the earth is the centre while some scientists declared sun as the centre. Surprisingly, not much discussion or work could be undertaken to differentiate between the absolute and relative spatial dimensions. Resultantly, the guesswork is still continuing on the issue. Needless to say, that the whole issue of finding the centre of the Universe appears to be a purely academic exercise. 

4. Why the Universe is expanding?

    	As a result of the observation of the expansion in the Universe, Big Bang theory was postulated. It was also observed that the entropy of the Universe is increasing at the moment. It was not thought that the most natural thing should be an increase in entropy for some time-period; then decrease in its rate of increase; a zero level in the rate and then a decrease in the entropy and so on. This change in entropy should follow the most natural pattern of a wave as is true with all other natural processes. The same wave pattern of expansion and contraction appears to being followed by the Universe as it will keep the Universe in equilibrium. 

5. What happens ultimately to a black hole?

       As already discussed, Stephan Hawking mentions in his book ' Theory of Everything' that a black hole would disappear completely in a tremendous final burst of energy emission. But why only this form of disappearance and what will happen to this emitted energy? Can't the particles of the emitted energy convert into mass particles, bond with the other like-minded particles and form an altogether new constituent of the Universe. The present theories are silent on the issue. 

6. What is the most basic constituent particle of the Universe?

   	World over, the scientists are searching frantically the so called 'most basic particle' of the Universe. Initially, they discovered atom as the most basic particle, then came the electrons, protons and neutrons as the elementary particles. Then came quarks, up quarks, down quarks; charm quarks, strange quarks; top quarks, bottom quarks etc. Similarly, we have gluon, photon, boson and graviton as force particles respectively of strong, electromagnetic, weak and gravity forces. These force particles are also not final as they are further being modified. Discovery of Higgs' boson is one such example. The list is unending as we are regularly being bombarded by discoveries of new basic particles. And now a situation has reached when nobody seems to appear ready to seriously take notice of discovery claims of new fundamental or basic particles. Even after thousands of years after first such claim, the scientists are still eagerly awaiting the discovery of the true basic fundamental particle which forms the matter, the energy and the force which is uncuttable but repeatable. 

7. Who created the Universe and Why? What is God, the Almighty?

   	 It is the most natural and the most thought question but very less asked for fear of being branded as unfaithful by certain self declared God men. The question ' Who created the Universe and Why?' has been attempted by many great thinkers with focus on some outside agency as the Creator. The outside agency concept created even more questions than providing solutions to the existing queries. When the Creator could not be found, the question 'Why the Universe was created' has also remained unanswered till date. Some scientists even argue whether there is any place in the Universe for a supernatural power for creation of the Universe, Its governance or Its destruction, if any. They also argue whether the existence of such a superpower is needed at all. 


        	Now, we have reached a stage where it is possible for us to give an in-depth consideration to all the issues by looking from inside, in all possible directions and in all possible dimensions. 
          	I may begin by listing the most natural laws governing the behaviour of the Universe. The word 'listing' has been used in this paragraph as the laws are already in existence. I shall only attempt to crystallize, segregate and write them in a language which could be understood by anybody and everybody. The following seven laws are listed:

1. The Universe can neither be created nor destroyed.

     	It is as it is. Not even the smallest particle could be created or destroyed. A particle can only be transformed into other states, for example from mass to energy or force or vice-versa.

2. The Universe exists since infinite time and will exist till infinite time.

     	That is to say, the Universe is moving from minus infinity to plus infinity while always denoting the present moment as zero on this absolute scale of time. However, we can always measure the time with respect to an assumed or a given reference frame. 

3. The Universe has an infinite size.

       All the spatial dimensions of the Universe are spread from minus infinity to plus infinity, making the absolute location of any point as zero. That is, every point in the Universe could be considered as the centre of the Universe. Looking at the hindsight, now we can say that Ptolemy was not entirely incorrect when he argued for the earth as the centre of the Universe. But any other point could also be the centre as well. 
    	However, it is always possible to assign values to the spatial dimensions of any point in the Universe with respect to an assumed or a given frame of reference. 
     	As Its dimensions measure from minus infinity to plus infinity and It is in a state of perpetual dynamism, no fixed shape could be possible for It. Neither there is any need for It to have a fixed shape. Therefore, the Universe has no fixed shape. 

4. The Universe is in a state of ‘dynamic equilibrium’.

     	It is continuously changing and rearranging itself. Sometimes it appears to be expanding and at some other times it may appear to be contracting. 
 	All the constituents of the Universe are also in a state of perpetual dynamism. Nothing is static in the Universe. Everything is continuously changing and rearranging itself, always trying to maintain equilibrium. 
      Every process in and of the Universe is in a cyclic or wave form with continuously changing wavelength and amplitude, but within certain limits. 

5. All the activities in the Universe are uncertain but within certain ‘certainty limits’.

     	Every process in and of the Universe is uncertain but the uncertainty is not without limits. On the contrary, it is always within some certainty limits. These certainty limits may vary with variable circumstances and time. 
    	As every event is uncertain, it will not be possible for anybody or any machine to enter into future, observe the events there and come back and reveal it to others. However, based on certain observations, we may guess or extrapolate regarding the future events. But it should be considered purely as guesswork and nothing more. 

6. Every constituent of the Universe is Unique.

  	Though on a macroscopic level the Universe constituents' behaviour appears almost similar to that of other constituents yet on a microscopic level every constituent is different from all other constituents of the Universe at all points of time. Also, every constituent is different at different points of time. 
    	This leads us to the fact that no such thing like a “basic particle” of matter or force or energy exists in the Universe. 

7. Every constituent of the Universe has a unique dimension known as 'life dimension' in addition to its spatial and time dimensions.

    	Everything in the Universe ranging from the smallest particle to human-beings to plants to inert materials to planets, stars, galaxies etc are born, grow up, temporarily release some energy (expire), disintegrate into smaller constituents, get absorbed in the cosmos, recharge themselves by absorbing energy from the surroundings, or rearrange themselves, bond with other like-minded constituents, get ready for further life journey and are born. The cycle is repeated infinitely to continuously refresh and renew each and every part of the Universe. In short, we may call it the Law of Reproduction. Since, each and every smallest constituent is unique in itself at each and every point of time; it will be reborn as a different being. We can conclude that the concept of rebirth exists in the Universe but the re-born product is never the same. It will always be somewhat different from its earlier form. 
       The Universe is continuously changing, rearranging and evolving itself. There could be innumerable number of visible and invisible species living in various parts of the Universe, all of them passing through the cyclical life spans and doing their bit for maintaining the dynamic equilibrium. Constituents with temporarily shorter life spans appear alive to us while those with relatively longer ones appear inert, though all have life and are made up of live smaller constituents.

Controversies He has a fair share of controversies surrounding him. Infamous Dulina incident occurred in district Jhajjar when he was the District Police Chief. In the year 2002,on Dusshera day i.e.15.09.2002, a right wing mob lynched and burnt five persons belonging to dalit caste inside a Police Post. Many dissatisfied and disgruntled elements from the police fraternity have complained against him in the courts of law and other authorities for which he has faced judicial inquiries and magisterial inquiries. On several occasions, criminal complaints have been filed against him in various courts.

Rampal Issue Muhammad Akil very maturely handled the Rampal issue in the year 2014. The Punjab & Haryana High Court issued non-bailable warrants against Rampal on contempt of court by him. On this, his followers gathered in large scale in and around at Satlok Ashram, Barwala of Hisar district with arms & ammunition. Any mishandling could have caused death of hundreds of innocent persons. His followers took law in their hands and created violence. But it was with the efforts and co-ordination capabilities shown by this Officer that Haryana Police was successful in arresting him and his followers. The Government appreciated him on this achievement.

Dera Sacha Sauda Issue Muhammad Akil very successfully handled the Dera Sacha Sauda issue. On 25th August, 2017, the CBI Court at Panchkula pronounced judgement against Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh, Head of Dera Sacha Sauda, Sirsa holding him guilty of rape charges. His more than two lakh followers gathered in Panchkula, purportedly with a view to pressurize the Government, the judiciary and the administration to let him off from the clutches of law or to get him forcefully escaped in the event of his conviction in a rape case. They gathered in large number in various other districts of the State including Sirsa where they gathered in more than 30,000 strength inside the Dera Headquarters. After conviction of the Dera Head Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh, they took law in their hands, burnt vehicles, damaged public and private property, attacked press persons & security forces and committed arson & rioting. A situation of chaos and turmoil happened all of sudden throughout the State. The agitationists tried to totally disrupt law and order situation not only in Haryana but in Punjab, Rajasthan, Delhi and Uttar Pradesh. It was due to the sincere, dedicated and effective preparations and the effective command and control that the situation was brought under control within a short span of two hours. Hundreds of arsonists were arrested and sent to jail.

Administrative Experience Have administrative experience of commanding several districts of Haryana State as the District Police Chief. Got the feel of the administration of the entire Haryana State as DIG/Crime, Haryana, IGP/Law & Order, Haryana and Addl. Director General of Police, Law & Order, Haryana. Got International experience while serving in Border Security Force at Attari-Wagah International Border in Punjab.

Investigation Work Minutely investigated a number of cases related to corruption and fraud in Government Departments, forgery, cheating, impersonation, crime against person and crime against property.

Court Work Handled a large number of civil writ petitions, criminal writ petitions, criminal misc. petitions, civil and criminal appeals in single, division and full benches of State High Courts and the Supreme Court of India in addition to routine court work in various lower and sessions courts.

Maintenance of Law and Order Successfully handled a number of law and order situations related to issues raised by various sections of society like students, teachers, farmers, industrial workers, government employees, religious and caste communities, successfully conducted the Operation to arrest Sant Rampal of Satlok Ashram, Barwala, Hisar and Operation Dera Sacha Sauda, Sirsa.

Financial Experience Handled the finances of the Police Department while serving in Haryana State in various districts and controlled the finances of Border Security Force Sectors while serving at International Border between India and Pakistan. Managed the revenue and expenditure of Haryana Wakf Board as its Chief Executive Officer and Administrator.

Developmental Experience Designed several buildings while serving in Central Public Works Department. Planned, Sanctioned and Supervised the construction work of projects during the service tenure in Border Security Force.

Training Experience Remained posted as Director of Haryana Police Academy, Madhuban from 31.10.2011 to 04.05.2012. Designed and prepared several specialized courses for police and Border Security Force personnel. Delivered lectures on various topics to police officers and university students. Set question papers for the recruitment, promotional and training examination of various categories of employees of State and Central Government.

Co-ordination with other organs of the Government and Society Have vast experience of coordinating with almost all the departments of State and Central Governments, judiciary, polity and press. Have also coordinated on a number of occasions with non-governmental organizations, religious, caste, class related organizations and business associations.

Association with educational institutions Remained closely associated with and assisted the administration of Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak, M.M. University, Mullana (Ambala), PGI, Rohtak and a number of engineering and medical colleges of Haryana State. Assisted the Haryana Education Board in conducting their annual examinations. Remained Chairman of the Governing body of Mewat Engineering College, Waqf in addition to working as Administrator/CEO of Haryana Wakf Board.

Membership in Committees Have remained Chairman and Member of a large number of committees of Police and Border Security Force Departments and the Police Department. Have also remained Nodal Officer in fields related to various subject matters of State Government and Government of India.

Social & Religious work 1990 : Social work in the tribal area of Chhattisgarh. 2003 : Religious work for Muslim Minorities of Haryana. 2014-15 : Religious work for Muslim Minorities of Haryana.



Associated with design of important buildings in Delhi and Haryana

Police Department:

1. In the year 1993, commanded an anti-terrorist operation in District Kurukshetra of Haryana, in which three dreaded terrorists were killed. 2. Successfully handled the 2nd worst plane crash of the world in the year 1996. A Boeing- 747 Jumbo Jet plane of Saudi Arabian Airlines collided mid-air with a Kazakhstan Airlines plane in the area of Charkhi Dadri in District Bhiwani of Haryana. 3. Successfully recovered many children who were kidnapped for ransom by notorious criminals. 4. Busted a gang of impersonators one of whom fraudulently impersonated vice president of World Bank and fraudulently forged signatures of President of India. 5. Busted a gang who illegally issued thousands of fake arms licenses to the border population in the state of Punjab. 6. Traced a number of blind murder cases in the state of Haryana. 7. Handled and investigated a large number of cases pertaining to Crime Against Women

Haryana Waqf Board 1. Remained instrumental in the tri-furcation of the then Punjab Waqf Board into separate Boards for the State of Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Chandigarh 2. Remained CEO of Haryana Waqf Board in 2003. 3. Working as CEO of Haryana Waqf Board from 18.04.2014 to 17.04.2016. 4. Addl. Charge of Administrator of Haryana Waqf Board from 19.06.2014 till 28.03.2017. 5. Member, Haryana Wakf Board from from May, 2014 till date

Border Security Force 1. Presided over the inter-national meetings between Border Security Force and Pakistan Rangers. 2. Busted several gangs who indulged in smuggling of Heroin, illicit weapons and fake Indian Currency Notes.

Medals & Awards He has received many Medals and Awards for his achievements and outstanding work. He has received Gold Medal for securing 1st position in B.Tech in 1987. He has also received Gold Medal for securing highest marks in surveying in 1987. In 1993, he was awarded President's Police Medal for Gallantry. In the same year, the Haryana Government gave him appreciation letter for doing outstanding work in anti-terrorist operations. In 1996, he was awarded appreciation letter by the Director General of Police, Haryana for excellent management in General Elections. In 1997, the Haryana Government gave him appreciation letter for giving outstanding performance in handling world's 2nd biggest plane crash in Charkhi Dadri of district Bhiwani. In the same year, he was awarded appreciation letter by the State Government for outstanding performance in monitoring of crime and enforcement of Prohibition Policy. In 1999, he was given appreciation letter for conducting training of IPS Probationers by the Director, National Police Academy, Hyderabad. In 2001, the DGP Haryana gave him appreciation letter for the excellent performance in organizing State level functions. He was also awarded President's Police Medal for Meritorious Services in 2006. The DG/BSF awarded him Commendation Roll for outstanding command and supervision in handling the Border Security Management in 2009. Another Commendation Roll was awarded to him by the DG/BSF for commendable performance of duties during posting in Amritsar in 2010. He was also awarded President Police Medal for distinguished services on Republic Day-2014 in 2014.