There are verity computers we can see in the computer market, in appearance, in brand and Speed Etc: (In appearance) Desktop:-usually use in office, home, internet cafes Laptop :-We can carry it wherever we need Palmtop:-We can keep it in a pocket, very small

Computer Companies(they meke proscessors, Mother Boards) Intel pentium AMD Celeron

Some brand of computers HP,IBM, Toshiba, Accer, Dell Etc.

The main parts of the computer

Processor(same as a human brain) Computer speed defends on the processor speed, processor speed id measured in Gigahertz GHz.Example 1.8GHz,2.4GHz,3.0GHz......

Ram(Random Access Memory)

Memory is measured in Megabite & Gigabite GB. Example 128MB, 256MB, 512MB, 1GB, 2GB....

Mother Board (Main Board)

Hard Disk Drive(any program can be stored in HDD) HDD capacity is measured bin GB.Example 40GB,80Gb,180GB,320GB....

VGA(visual graphics adaptor


Keybord(Ps2, USB, Wireless, Flexyble)

Mouse(Ps2, USB, Wireless)

Optical Drivers (CD ROM, CD wrier, DVD ROM, DVD Writer) Casing with powe supply