Ehsan Alikhani (born 5 November 1982 , Tehran ) is a Persian Tv host, producer and Television director . his famous talk show "Honey moon" became the most popular talk show in 2013. He received an award as "Best Tv host of the year " at JameJam television awards. He became famous at a young age and started to grow his carrier as fast as he could .

Early Life

Ehsan is the youngest child of his family . he has two older sisters and a brother. his mother , Maryam is a retired nurse . when he was 7, he went to "Pasdaran " elementary school in tehran . as soon as he started going to school , his parents realized that Ehsan is an intelligent and talented but very naughty kid . he graduated the high school with excellent score . after graduating high school , he went to "Tehran university " to study business administration. in the first days of university , he decided to join television projects and made professional documentary for Tv channels . as he says he was interested in art and tv projects since he was just a kid . he made some documentaries and short films for different channels . later, he started presenting some tv programs which were not famous . years later, he became very popular and his pictures started publishing in many magazines. people knew him as a young rude tv host in the first years of his activity . actually , he became famous for his special presentations and of course his look good and style .

Honey Moon talk show

in 2005 , Ehsan started to produce a tv program which was about newlyweds and their life after the marriage . an year later , the subject of the talk show changed to " social problems ". as soon as the subject changed by him honey moon talk show became one of the most popular tv programs and Alikhani -the host and producer - reached more fame and popularity than before . he became "the richest television host".

Net Worth

there are a lot of rumors about his net worth . in 2015 , sites and news said that his net worth is about one billion Tomans but it was just a rumor . as he says his net worth is much lower than one billion tomans .


the news says a lot of rumors about his net worth , his marriage and even some beauty surgeries on his face. although he Impugned the rumors but it is still a lot of rumors about him on internet and websites .