An interview is a face to face or online discussion between two or more persons in which one participant poses a question and receives a response from the other. This is done to evaluate an individual's qualifications and suitability for a certain job opportunity. During an interview, the candidate can also view detailed information about the position they are applying for. In any field, going for an interview may be an extremely intimidating experience. Going through specific stages of preparation can also be time-consuming and difficult. From preliminary research to a follow-up after the interview, there are crucial measures that are helpful in getting ready for a successful interview. You may improve your chances of getting the employment opportunity you want by learning the ins and outs of interviews, focusing on your communication skills, and presenting yourself and qualifications in the best possible light.

Wikimedia Foundation. (2024, March 20). Job interview. Wikipedia.

A big part of an interview is making an impression. While you can do so by building your communication skills and practicing the ease of conversation, it is also critical that you present yourself with professional attire. Before an interview you should always do  research about the company, franchise, or organization you are interviewing for and conclude if they have a more casual dress code or if they prefer professional business attire. After this, you want to make sure that your clothes are pet hair, wrinkle and odor free. Keeping your clothes neat and appropriate sets a specific and admirable tone for employers, it shows them that you care how you are perceived. Casual or professional dress codes differ depending on where you work, but there are certain norms that should be followed regardless. No pants with stains or holes and nothing that doesn’t fit you right. Depending on your research of this company, make sure you know about tattoo policies as well. It is important to do research prior to ensure you will get the best experience and make a good impression regardless if it is an online interview or face-to face.

When introducing yourself in an online interview, it can be a bit awkward. In a normal, face to face interview the proper way to greet the interviewer/s and introduce yourself would be to shake their hands. When the interview is held online then the person being interviewed should introduce themselves first as well as their background and their qualifications, then listen to each of the members introduce themselves and make a note to tilt your head when a new person begins to talk. This will allow the members on the interview call to see you are actively listening and moving along with them. This becomes more of what is known as a “one way interview

Wikipedia contributors. (2024, January 24). One-way interview. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 17:27, April 9, 2024, from

Mastering the interview process is an essential skill for individuals going through the competitive landscape of job searching. Through preparation and a strategic approach, candidates can significantly raise their chances of securing their desired job. The interview serves as an opportunity for the employer and employee to assess compatibility and build rapport. Continuous learning and development are key to staying competitive in the dynamic of the job market. By incorporating feedback received in an interview, one can position themself to be a valuable asset in the eyes of the employer.  

Proper interview handshake

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