Miriam Slater Born February 9, 1952, Los Angeles, California

Miriam Slater is an American artist who paints both objects and paintings. In her work, different cultures and art ideas are fused, resulting in the creation of a new visual style.

She studied painting at California State University Fullerton graduating in 1975, and then studied faux finishing, gilding and traditional Japanese lacquer techniques in Los Angeles in 1976. These techniques served to enhance the illusionistic aspects of her work. In 1978 she began studying figure drawing and painting with Harry Carmean at Art Center College of Design in Pasadena and continued her studies with him for over twenty years. It was during these years of study that she began incorporating new art ideas in her work, including that of Surrealism, Cubism, Impressionism and Expressionism.

In the 1980’s her work began exploring the figure in more depth while at the same time emphasizing a more intricate use color and design. The overall style became more surrealistic. She began painting objects including violins, chairs, letterboxes and teacups. At the same time she began a series of paintings of women in which the forms were strongly distorted, showing the influence of German expressionism, French impressionism and cubism.

In the mid 2000’s Slater began a series of paintings of western women as geisha, inspired by Japanese wood block prints of the 1800’s. Also at this time Slater, inspired by Jimi Hendrix, began painting electric guitars in which formal European art principles were mixed with more free form aspects of psychedelic art.

Her work is in several museums including the Los Angeles County Art Museum and the Experience Music Project Museum in Seattle. Miriam Slater is the daughter of hard edge artist Eva Slater and is married to figurative artist Harry Carmean. She currently resides in Santa Barbara, California.



The Figurative Tradition: Life Drawings of Harry Carmean and Miriam Slater, Westmont College, Montecito, CA 2007, p. 32-39

Book of Cups, Garth Clark, Abbeyville Press, 1990, p. 54-5,57

Artists Design Furniture, D, Domergue, Abrams Publishing, 1984, p. 146-7

Rollerbabies, Cantu, Steinburg, Prentiss-Hall, 1979, p. 129,138-9

Los Angeles Magazine, Feb. 1989, p. 180-3

California Magazine, Dec. 1984, p.114-5








Carmean/Slater, the Figurative Tradition", 2007, Channel 21, Santa Barbara CA

"Creative Community", 2007, Channel 21 Santa Barbara, CA

Category: American painters Category: Contemporary painters Category: Living people Category: Portrait artists Category: 1952 births Category: Figurative art Category: California artists Category: American furniture designers Category: Women artists