Who's Mike?

I've writing computer games since the early 1980's. Starting off with a new TRS80-Color Computer, my Dad brought home. I wrote a series of games from 1988 to 1993. They included Stone Mist 1, Dragons Shard, Terradyne (both DS and Terradyne had a series of quest packs published for them) and my favorite Stone Mist 2. Stone Mist 2 got awesone reviews from everyone that wrote it up. It didn't get included in the top 10 shareware games of the year, Dragons Shard got that acknowledgement! But it was the game that I was most proud of. After that I did some work for the Colorado Divison of Wildlife, in the form on a river ecosystem simulator. It was used by a number of elementary schools to teach kids that you shouldn't dump Drano into the streams because it just may, kill fish! After that I formed a company doing OS/2 games. Our first game was Master of the Empire. Needless to say after a royal screw job by our publisher it was eventually published in 1996.

After that I went the pay for play route, working for Devils Thumb, VR1, Idol Minds and 2015, Inc. With the games I've worked including, Mike Piazza's Strikezone, Axis and Allies, Hired Guns, Lost Continents, and Men of Valor (XBOX and PC). My passion in my spare time is parallel AI development. I've written up a few thoughts for Game Gems 5, which you should buy! I've gotten a rough system in place, nothing truly commercial - just yet! The technology will be extensible to the XBOX2 console, for sure.