Hi! In this page, I will tell you my opinion about different books and authors.

Book I Like edit

About Authors edit

This paragraph will include my thoughts of different authors.

Roald Dahl edit

My favorite author is Roald Dahl. I like him because when children read his book, they will think, "Ah...What will happen next? I'll better read it tomorrow."

And it also has funny parts, and makes kids laugh.

Andy Griffiths edit

I also like the author Andy Griffiths. I like the Just series that he wrote. Which includes Just Disgusting, Just Tricking, Just Annoying, Just Crazy, and Just Stupid.

I like his books because they are very funny. They make me laugh alot. Their funny rating is high. But interesting rating is medium.

J. K. Rowling edit

I like J. K. Rowling's series of Harry Potter books. It is very interesting and its interesting rating is super high! But its funny rating is in the middle of low and medium. It also has funny parts, but it just has little bit.