Morse Code


Morse Code was invented by Morse Samuel Finley Breese, an American artist and inventor.

Morse Code

When was this code invented?


It was in the year 1832 that he got the idea of sending message through telegraph. He worked hard on it and in 1838,he got success. As the telegraph lines were not is existence at that time, it was not put to immediate use. It was in the year 1843 that the US government sanctioned a sum of money to lay telegraphic lines.

Morse code proved to be very useful during the First World War. It was the quickest and easiest way of sending and receiving messages. SOS the most used signal.

SOS stands for 'Save our Soul'. It was the most used signal during World War 1.

First Telegraphic line


The first telegraphic line was laid between Washington and Baltimore. In 1844, Morse sent his first coded message.

Coded message consisted of...


The code consists of signals sent in the form of dots and dashes. It is used in sending telegraphic messages. The dots and dashes stand for letters and numerals. The dot is a short signal, while dash is a long one. The duration of one dash equals to the duration of three dots.

How were Coded Messages "Sent"???


The coded messages are sent through a transmitter. These are carried through radio waves along a wire. At the receiver's end, the message is received in dots and dashes. It is then decoded.