Personal Gender Pronouns


**define. use in society. use in education. by who is it used. difficulties with use. the effects of use have on equity, inclusion, mental health, (focus being mental health)**

(1)          Very clearly tell me the topic you have chosen below. It is best if you have narrowed it down to a short phrase at most. This should reflect the subject heading and/or subheadings you will write on within Wikipedia.

- Personal pronouns and how their use affects the mental health of the subject

(2)          Regarding your chosen topic, what is your impression of the content currently available on Wikipedia? Why do you feel that you need to contribute this content? Are you creating a new page, fixing a pre-existing page, or adding to a pre-existing page, or something else?

- During my initial search through Wikipedia of “preferred pronoun”, “preferred gender pronoun” is what came up and I was glad there was a page actually started. However, the page itself is lacking in overall information and is only glossing over the meaning of preferred pronouns. It defines it using binary language, does nothing to explain the origin of preferred pronouns or even acknowledges non-binary as a gender and the use of gender-neutral pronouns, nor does it give reasons beyond “practical and ethical consideration” for use of preferred pronouns. Overall, it’s information that could be useful to all people of all ages when they want to know why someone goes by “they” instead of “she”. I will be adding mental health amongst the practical and ethical reasons listed to the page for why personal pronouns should be used.

(3)          Describe the current state of the content on Wikipedia. Link me to what is there so I can see as well. If there is nothing available, what keywords and phrases have you tried? Even if there is nothing, give me a sense of what a person might be able to learn about something close to what is available. This will give you a sense of how hard people have to try to find information about that topic.

-      Link to Preferred Gender Pronoun:

- The current page itself does not have much information on it aside from a paragraph, but the references have a good amount to start searching for more. There is also a chart at the bottom of the page that acts as a sort of word association flow chart to lead readers to similar pages. All pages fall under the Gender Studies category which also makes it easy to see what other information is easily available.

(4)          What needs to be done to create change for this topic? If you are creating something brand new, what sections do you envision it having? Please keep this reasonable because of our short and accelerated time frame. And remember that you won’t know and be able to share EVERYTHING in this short time, but a good solid start is still important.

-      There needs to be a section with a headline stating (Why it’s important) “Preferred pronouns and their impact on mental health”.

-      I would also like to change the main title of the page from “preferred gender pronoun” to “personal gender pronoun”- the implications of preferred over personal are that the pronouns are optional as opposed to actual and mandatory. I would also like to change the redirect from the search of “personal gender pronouns” to the “preferred gender pronouns” page.