"To the man who loves classical music for its own sake." said Meepah Tsou

He is a boy.

A boy born and brought up in a beautiful, small and absolutely cozy town.

That's a little coastal town.

He loves the town, just like Bilbo Baggins loves his Hobbiton.

He is a young man.

A young man who pinballs from home to his school.

No one could tell if he hates school.

"But I do hate the mouse-like stirring!" said Meepah to himself. "I'm no hamster."

His home is not so large as a mansion, actually far too tinier. But he loves it as much as Baggins loves his Bag End.

A young man morbidly obsessed with classical music and those "kawaii" stuff.

Lucid and moe.

that is Meepah Tsou's credo.

BTW, he is no lolicon, and

he is not tsundere!