just stuff for me to copy the code from:

This user drinks a mix of Coffee.
This user stays up until sunrise.

Template Parameters Meaning Value type
border-c The border color of the userbox. CSS color value (#hex or color name)
border-s The border size of the userbox. Width in pixels
id-c The background color of the id box. CSS color value
id-s The font size of the id box. Size in PostScript points
id-fc The font color of the id box text. CSS color value
id-p The distance between border and content of id box. CSS padding width value. px, pt
id-lh The distance between text lines of id box. CSS relative line height/length value. em
info-c The background color of info box. CSS color value
info-s The font size of info box. Size in PostScript points
info-fc The font color of info box. CSS color value
info-a The horizontal alignment of text in info box. left/right/center
info-lh The distance between text lines of info box. CSS relative line height/length value. em
id This is the content of the id box. Free-form
info This is the content of info box. Free-form

The id and info boxes can include text, links, and images using the usual Wikipedia syntax. Generally, the info box will contain a sentence with a link or two, while the id box will contain a few letters or a 43px image.

userboxes i've made:

This user toggles the dark theme on websites and apps when available.

This user browses Wikipedia via the official Android app.