Tara Maddala


Early Life

Tara Maddala was born on July 11, 1972 in Rochester, New York. She is the daughter of GS Maddala. She spent most of her childhood in Gainesville, Florida.


Tara attended college at the University of Florida, receiving a Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Engineering. She went on to receive a Master’s in Health Systems at Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), followed by a Ph.D. in Biostatistics at the University of Texas School of Public Health


Tara started her postgraduate professional career working under Kathryn Phillips, Ph.D. at University of California San Francisco and later at Clinimetrics Inc., where she designed clinical trials. She later worked at Genomic Health Inc. (GHI), where she directed the Clinical Biostatistics department focusing on gene-based cancer diagnostics. While at GHI, Tara was named as an inventor on multiple patents. Tara is currently Head of Biostatistics at GRAIL.


Tara is a named inventor on the following United States Patents and has additional applications pending in the US and abroad.

8,273,534 Predictors of patient response to treatment with EGF receptor inhibitors

8,725,426 Gene expression profile algorithm and test for determining prognosis of prostate cancer

9,551,034 Method to use gene expression to determine likelihood of clinical outcome of renal cancer

personal life

Tara resides in Sunnyvale, California. She is an avid tennis player and loves spending time with her three kids and husband.