User:Mauritzvdworm/Noncommutative torus

The Noncommutative Torus, also known as the irrational rotation algebra, is one of the most fundamental examples of noncommutative geometry. It clearly highlights the key concepts regarding noncommutativity and opens the doors of this field of study to more complex noncommutative spaces.



Consider the space of square integrable functions on the torus denoted by  . It is known that this space is in fact a Hillbert space. We define the following operators



It can be shown that these operators are unitary and satisfy the commutation relation


The noncommutative torus is then defined as the  -algebra generated by the unitary operators   and  [1] .

The Noncommutative Torus as a Crossed Product


Using the  -dynamical system approach it can be shown that the noncommutative torus can be written as


where   is the automorphism of   induced by a rotation of   [2] . The case where   is irrational is of special interest and in this case   is a simple  -algebra.

The Unique Trace of the Noncommutative Torus


The K-Theory of the Noncommutative Torus


In order to fully understand the $C^*$-algebra which is the quantum torus we need to determine its K-theory. The PV-sequence (Pimsner Voiculescu short exact sequence) is the main tool which we will be using to find the K-theory of the quantum torus. This sequence is also sometimes referred to as the six term exact sequence of K-theory [3].

Finite Dimensional Generalizations of the Noncommutative Torus


Physical Significance of the Noncommutative Torus



  1. ^ Weaver, Nic (2001). Mathematical Quantization. Chapman & Hall.
  2. ^ Davidson, Kenneth R (1996). C*-Algebras by Example. American Mathematical Scociety.
  3. ^ Wegge-Olsen (1993). K-Theory and C*-Algebras. Oxford University Press.