General Info

MasterNobuo is a game creator, tester, developer, player, and just about every imaginable thing with a game kinda guy. He lives around video games and does indeed plan on going to college for programming. He knows HTML, C++, BASIC, a little Java, and can work Photoshop and a few other random programs. Big time HALO fan. Quotes "Red vs. Blue" from memory, as any loyal HALO fan should. He lives in Florida, central Florida to be exact. Doesn't have much to say, other than, well, Howdy and Rawr. As a matter of fact, Rawr, is one of his favorite words to use. He is a founding brother of RAWRspeak and can speak it fluently(Duh).

Game Ideas

I'm currently working on a ton of games, I have one game, currently titled "Fighter!". It's a simple text turn based fighting game in which you have a choice of which enemy to fight, what moves to use, and the enemy fights back based upon a random number generator. I have plans to make this game much better, but have yet to find the free time. Maybe I should be doing that instead of making this WikiPage...hmm...

Other game ideas include this extremely awesome racing game: Untitled Racing Game(dunno yet). But for those of you who have played GRID from CodeMasters, you'll know that the entire game is based upon your selection, you choose what event, what car, what team member, you can hire and fire team members, buy and sell cars, the more races you participate in and win, you get money and reputation. And for those of you who've played Carbon or really just about any Need for Speed game, you'll know about the awesome customization options in them. For example, Need for Speed Underground 2, you could customize rims, the speaker set up in the back, nitrous nozzles, the color of the engine, there was a ton of crap that you could do in that game. And for those of you who've played Rallysport Challenge for the original X-Box, you'll know that there wasn't much to it, just pick a car, pick a track and go. Now, imagine all of those put into one. Extreme customization, awesome races, epic soundtrack, badass cutscenes, your player actually TALKS, and a few more things I haven't thought up yet.

For more of my ideas or to suggest something, please email me at the address listed in the CONTACT section of this page. Thanks!


Any and all questions will please be directed to this account or to, lemme know that you are emailing about me and I'll answer in no time lol. Thanks for your time, also, in the immortal words of Charles: "Rawr, rawr rawr rawr, rawr rawr, rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr!".