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Martyna Romina and Daisy are three young women, all 16 years old. They are friends. However, that word is not enough to describe them. They aren't best friends, but they are closer than two fingers stuck together with SuperGlu.

They all met at seperate times in life.
Romina and Daisy have known eachother since childhood.
They grew apart for some time, but that didn't last.
Martyna met Romina freshman year in Ms. Julien's french class.
They hated eachother at first, but that too didn't last

The girls began to bond when they started working together at Schlotzsky's Deli.
Martyna was a manager and had gotten the other two their jobs.
Work was rarely boring, however true bonding took place after May 5th, Cinquo De Mayo.
That is the day when Martyna and Romina went to a CRAZY party at Martyna's friend's Stina's house. Romina made a few bad decisions and Martyna saved Romina by banging on a door. The three girls helped one another cope/dealwith/establish the events that happened that night. No one else could understand what had happened. Suddenly the three were inseperable.
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However too soon, summer came.
Martyna went off to Poland alone.
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Romina and Daisy to bonded all alone in Mexico for a week.

After that week Daisy went to travel around states.
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Leaving Romina to deal with heartbreak alone.
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This seperated the three girls for quite some time. Each changed, but not drastically. When they all came back together, no one knew what would happen. Alot changed over the summer, but surprisingly, the girls reestablished their friendship. In fact, they became even closer. They cannot go longer than a day or even a few hours without some form of contact. Romina always assumes Daisy and Martyna died when they don't answer their cell phones. The girls have no need for verbal language- yet they understand exactly what the other is 'saying'. They think alike and even finish one another's sentences.

Most recently, the girls have decided that they will move to New York in 2009 after high school.

They will live in a tiny apartment off their small incomes and go to college on financial aid, scholarships, and grants. There has been talk of a Daisy Martyna marriage for financial aid, however this is very unlikely seeing as New York does not recognize gay marriage. Romina will be the poorest one it has been decided. They will share clothes, however underwear are off limits. These girls realize that these will not be easy times, but they know that not only can they do it, they will. These will be the best years of their lives.

Presently though, the girls spend alot of time together. Martyna and Romina have 2 high school courses together and Daisy and Martyna have a college class together. All to much of their time is spent on myspace where the girls often post signs of their love for one another. Here are a few examples: File:Daisys book.JPG
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Martyna: [1]
Romina: [2]
Daisy: [3]

Other than that, they spend their time looking for guys, partying, studying, planning new york, texting, and being extremly random.

The whole idea of this article?

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