User:Martijn Hoekstra/Beating a stillborn horse

About some things on Wikipedia, nobody really cares. And by nobody, I don't mean nobody, but a sufficiently large majority of people that it becomes reasonable to say there is consensus that nobody cares. But some people do, of course, care. And sometimes, one of those people is you, dear reader. This is generally not a problem at all. You go about your merry way, doing something that only you care about, and everything is well, because you're fixing what you care about, and nobody objects. Ah, the joys of geeking out.

But then, invariably, at some point, someone does care about it. That's not a problem. The problem is that they gasp disagree with you. And you try and you try to explain your reasoning, but you can't seem to come to an agreement or even a compromise. Obviously, that is all their fault for being so inflexible/short sighted/stupid/reactionary. But you're willing to overlook that for the greater good you peace maker you. But you're stuck. In an attempt to get unstuck, you bring it to some discussion venue or another to try to find consensus from the wider community. Nothing happens.

People don't start discussing the issue. They don't - thank god! - side with them. But they don't side with you either. They ignore the polite request for input altogether. You gently poke and remind that you would like this resolved. But still nothing happens. If this happens, chances are you are doing something that nobody cares about. You are Beating a dead horse, but it wasn't you who beat it to death: it was stillborn. Still, the same advice applies. You were right off course[1], but nobody cares but you and that nasty adversary of yours. The horse isn't going anywhere. The only reason it was going anywhere to begin with was because you dragged it along over the pavement. It never was alive, and it probably never will be.

Don't pick up a stick, and start beating the horse. It will not work. If you find yourself holding a stick, drop it. Maybe next time. Maybe later. Just not too soon please.

  1. ^ or not