Mary Mcgiffin Jack. Born in 1930 in Strinragh, Ayreshire, Scotlland. She married James mcgregor Jack on the 26th september 1953. She had three children 1) James

2)John one daughter and surrogate son (Maryanne Roche and Peter Roche)  

3) Gilbert daughters (Samantha Jack,Sarah Jack.Sophie Jack and stephanie Jack) Nana to me is the most amazing woman in the world as she is to everyone who knows her. you see she raised me amd she did it well, Thats why i love her. Born in Scotland' Ayreshire" Straighton to be exact she had two sisters. 1) Betty Scott 2) Helen Hankey My great grandmother (Mary Mcgiffin Espie) loved a certin line it was my nanas. Mary Jack, John Jack and Maryanne Roche. It was awesome to meet her as an adult.The beautiful lady who used to give me sherry at lunch ha ha never had that again.