Marlon M. Willis To Whom It May Concern:

                    I’m not sure anyone will ever read this or if this was ever written because you and all the following events may 

merely be a figment of my imagination. I no longer know what is real anymore. These words on paper are my attempt to once again fall under the same gravitational pull as those that are around me because I am seeking what most around me

call normalcy. The following is a glimpse into the mind of Marlon M. Willis and for this we must quote the late Dr. Hunter 

Thompson “ There he goes. One of God’s own prototypes. Some kind of high-powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.”

                    Marlon M. Willis was never born. A date and place of birth was simply assigned to him as a reference point.
Marlon has never been clinically diagnosed but suffers from a mental disorder known as (NPD) Narcissistic Personality 

Disorder, which in most cases goes untreated and undiagnosed. What’s more disturbing is that individuals with this disorder in most cases can’t be cured by any forms of therapy due to the characteristics of this disorder.

                    Marlon has become so absorbed in his world that the M. in Marlon M. Willis has begun to represent what 

seems to be other personalities or in his case associates that he both confides in and collaborate with on everything from the outfit he’s wearing to music he creates to videos he directs to words that he has written.

                    There is Mitchell Willis the Villain, Midas Willis the Mischievous, Monogram Willis the Arrogant, Mercury Willis
the Critic to name a few. Altogether there have been at least 11 reported cases of people coming into contact with who 

should be Marlon but actually claim to have come in contact with what seems to be different individuals altogether making

us question whether or not Mr. Willis suffers from (DID) Dissociative Identity Disorder which many in the mental health 

profession claim truly doesn’t exist.

How does an individual that suffers from a disorder that can’t be treated and a disorder that doesn’t exist survive in 

society? He doesn’t he creates his own. You are about to leap head first into the Marlon M. Willis Guide to Finer Living. Proceed with caution.

                                                                                                 The Guide
                   As long as he could remember Marlon wanted to create his own world. Unlike many that accept the given in life. 

Marlon has always been infatuated with the taken. Those things that society says are too good or not good for him hence his style of dress, his choice of woman and all things he creates. The Marlon M. Willis Guide to Finer Living is the record of his creations and discoveries. Unlike many people he openly admits that at any given moment his outlook on an issue may change because he is constantly filtering new data that can affect his perception of an issue. This has become his disclaimer.

                   Unlike most of the people he associates with he is in a long-term relationship, which proves to provide him an 

anchor, which keeps him somewhat, grounded because gravity does not affect him in the same way it affects 99% of the population. Without his lover, mother of his children and best friend he would more than likely cease to exist probably floating off into the atmosphere never to be seen again. The high point of most people’s life is an interaction with Marlon positive or negative. His presence is disruptive at times making those around him uncomfortable due to what some would label his aura, the reason this has to be stated is because without a word being uttered from his mouth, without a person being familiar with who he is or his work he manages to become the catalyst for discomfort to someone who has been in his presence for a matter of minutes regardless of the venue.

                   Marlon will never fail because he is one of the few that can’t be convinced to accept his goals can’t be achieved. 

Therefore he will die trying to accomplish his goals or once he feels he has reached them probably take his own life because

he refuses to expire on life’s shelf like some unused portion of milk or that container that simply wasn’t picked. 
                   He seems to be a shallow materialistic person at times always in the loudest boldest colorful high-end designer 

clothing and accessories knowing good and well 99% of the people he will interact with will have no idea what he is wearing or care for that matter. He wears the most unusual combinations of garments. Layer after layer every item of each masterpiece

(outfit) is placed together with the utmost care and holds some history.  
                   More is more is how Marlon lives. Excess is in the eyes of the spectator. Consumption of mass quantities of those
things that accelerate the senses whether it is food, alcohol, drugs, sex or violence in the privacy of ones home or personal 

space is the business of one and those invited to either partake or observe. Lately Marlon has placed those things that accelerate

the senses on the backburner because he has found a new fascination or depending on who’s looking an obsession with getting
himself in shape not to be pleasant to look upon but for his health. Years of what some would label as over indulgence have 

made this maintenance necessary.

                    A sTenTorIaN is an individual that lives by the motto more is more. Most of these people share a common penchant
for specific items from various lines from Polo by Ralph Lauren between the years of 1987-1994. Because of the exposure to
these items that represent a lifestyle many sTenTorIaNs don’t have/had it opened up the door to a world of high-end designer 

labels toys etc.The majority of items sTenTorIaNs attempt to posses in their cAtAlog are no longer available in major retail stores.

The majority of possessions that have value placed on them are from the mid-late 80’s to the early 90’s. Most people confuse a
designer brand with piEces, i-Ts, or pOweR iTemS (terms usually associated with specific Polo by Ralph Lauren garments between
the years of 1987-1994). No brand is consistent despite the visible success of various companies. Confusion comes into play 

because some brands have more pOweR iTemS than others and the common thread that gave birth to the sTenTorIaN movement

was these individuals penchant for specific Polo by Ralph Lauren items.
                   This has to be explained because there are others who also exist that can be confused with sTenTorIaNs such as 

LO-LIFES, LO-HEADS and HYPEBEAST to name a few. Credit must be given where it’s due and LO-LIFES were the largest known group to claim the Polo brand as their flag. Because this is an article about the sTenTorIaN movement I will not go into further details about LO-LIFE history you can google more than enough articles on them on the Internet. LO-HEADS are individuals who not only wear or in some cases collect Polo items that are pOweRfuL but they wear all or anything that are part of various Ralph Lauren lines both past and current. HYPEBEAST dabble in whatever is the latest craze majority of which revolves around sneaker

(and main stream skateboard) culture so from time to time you may find them wearing something that you may find a 

sTenTorIaN wearing.

                                                                                                     The Difference
                   A sTenTorIaNs cAtAlog is in most cases Polo based from specific items (too many to list) but has branched off into 

specific items from various labels for ex. The green and the blue rugby shirts (white body with Benetton written in the middle) by Benetton during the mid 80’s, specific monogram jackets, bags, footwear, hats, wallets, mufflers and belts from designers such as LV, FENDI, HERMES, GUCCI ETC., specific models of sneakers from various sneaker companies ex. cream FILA originals with the red and blue accents. Alpina, Porsche Carrera, Cazal etc. eyewear to name a few (specific models of course too many too list). The other items are used in conjunction with Polo power items to create mAsteRpIeCes (sTenTorIaN reference for an

                  The sTenTorIaN way of thinking infects other aspects of material life for ex. you may find  a sTenTorIaNs home or 

office furnished with ancient LV trunks, restored freestyle and BMX bikes from the late 80’s, Coleco tabletop mini arcades, G1

Transformers etc.
                  A true sTenTorIaN will branch off and begin to find pOweR iTemS from various time frames beyond clothing and a true 

sTenTorIaN may not indulge in it but will understand were the other is coming from. The sTenTorIaN is constantly evolving and does not seek outside recognition for their material practices they simply look to satisfy self and do not practice mInImAlist tendencies. A mInImAlist is simply the opposite of a sTenTorIaN and pretty much views sTenTorIaNs as frozen in time junk collectors wasting their time and money.

                  Marlon is the founder of the sTenTorIaNs, which are simply individuals that share the abovementioned set of values 

and common interest. Unlike many groups there are no age race or sex requirements plus they can go through life never meeting

or knowing one another. To be a sTenTorIaN is simply to know thyself. 
                  Marlon simply has a need to express his opinions on various subject matter from social issues to sneakers and display 

his art which can be looked at as philosophy that evolves to poetry which continues to evolve into written song which is placed on a canvas of sounds that he has also created that is then assisted with visuals he has created in the form of video in an effort to eliminate

any confusion in regards to the message being conveyed.
                  Mr. Willis is not the just in case scenario. He apologizes for not being as stupid as you would like him to be. Again he 

apologizes for you not being relevant enough for him to acknowledge after you have committed or attempted to commit some form of trespass against him. For those who have fallen out of favor with him he simply sentences them to being themselves to no longer have the benefit of direct feedback with Mr. Willis. It comes to a point where he no longer talks to you, he’ll simply respond to your comments with simple grunting sounds that represent yes and no with the differentiation between the two being left up to the person

that has fallen out of favor. You call him he won’t call you and when he does its just to give the fallen a false glimmer of hope that 

they pulled the wool over Marlon’s eyes.

                  Stay tuned and be prepared to be entertained for the first time in your life if you’re not familiar with the work of 

Marlon M. Willis.