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Jack Carson Jack Carson is a fictional character in the novel A Revolution by the reclusive Dave Leonard. He is a retired Navy SEAL who assassinates several American politicians as part of a plan hatched by Jack and three friends. His friends include Susan Rand, a congresswoman, William Holloway, a prominent columnist and Joshua Hale, a member of the president's Secret Service detail. Much to the surprise of President Omar Haddad and the rest of the government the public embraces Jack and it isn't long until the success of the revolution seems inevitable. The theme of the novel is that the government has so overstepped the powers granted to it by the Constitution the people have finally reached a breaking point. Once that point is reached it's clear they are willing to take the route of their forefathers and throw off what they believe is a tyrannical government. President Omar Haddad is clearly a fictionalized Barrack Obama and the question of his allegiance and motives is a subplot in the book.

