User:MarkH21/Infobox mathematical statement/doc

Poincaré conjecture
For compact 2-dimensional surfaces without boundary, if every loop can be continuously tightened to a point, then the surface is topologically homeomorphic to a 2-sphere (usually just called a sphere). The Poincaré conjecture, proved by Grigori Perelman, asserts that the same is true for 3-dimensional spaces.
Open problemNo
Field of mathematicsGeometric topology
Conjectured byHenri Poincaré
Conjecture date1904
First proof byGrigori Perelman
First proof date2006
Implied by
GeneralizationsGeneralized Poincaré conjecture



The Template:Infobox mathematical statement generates a right-hand side infobox, based on the specified parameters. To use this template, copy the following code in your article and fill in as appropriate:

{{Infobox mathematical statement
| name =
| image =
| caption =
| type =
| open problem =
| field of mathematics =
| conjectured by =
| conjecture date =
| first proof by =
| first proof date =
| implied by =
| generalizations =
| consequences =



All parameters are optional.

Name at the top of the infobox; should be the name of the statement, e.g. Strong multiplicity one theorem, Zorn's lemma. Defaults to page name.
Image, e.g. xxx.svg.
The current type of statement, e.g. Theorem, Conjecture, Lemma, Postulate, Axiom.
field of mathematics
The branch(es) of mathematics to which the statement belong(s), e.g. Number theory, Algebraic geometry and algebraic topology.
conjectured by
Name of person(s) who first posed the statement.
conjectured date
Date(s) of when the statement was first posed.
open problem
Is this an open problem? Typical values are Yes or No, though something more specific could be put here (e.g. Only one example known, etc.)
first proof by
Name of person(s) who first proved the statement.
first proof date
Date(s) of when the statement was first proven.
implied by
Statement(s) that imply the current one.
Statement(s) that generalize the current one.
Statement(s) that are implied by the current one.

See also
