While I understand the developer's frusatration at seeing patches applied w/o being reviewed, I think the quick application of this patch shows a couple of things:
The patch submitter was still around and interested when the patch was reviewed
Developers only sporadically look at patches in Bugzilla, so submitters are less likely to get speedy feedback.
Bz probably could benefit from more hands-on review. I have a whine set up that sends me a list of newly submitted patches. It might be good to get this email broader distribution.
Helped a WMDE dev with email
Daniel_WMDE was trying to get to go out with the proper envelope sender on outgoing mail. After I tracked down $wgAdditionalMailParams and pointed him to it I noticed there wasn't an equivlent setting for the PEAR mailer used when $wgSMTP is set. I patched it up, but there still might be room for improvement.