I am currently a senior at the University of North Florida. I am a candidate for a bachelor of science in communication with a concentration in public relations and a bachelor of art’s in Political Science with a concentration in american politics. I am also pursuing a history minor.During my time at UNF I have pursued every opportunity that would benefit me both personally and professionally.

My freshman year of college I joined Kappa Delta sorority in hopes of creating life long friendships and important networking connections. Kappa Delta allowed me to meet accomplished women at a crucial time in my life. Due to this, I was encouraged to fulfill a life long dream of studying abroad. Florida State University’s International Program made it possible for me to live on the same street as the British Museum and explore five countries and 11 cities across Europe. Living in London for four months provided me with a unique outlook on the world that has proved beneficial during the short time I have been back.

I also participate in UNF Student Alumni Association, or Presidential Envoys. Presidential Envoys is a unique organization on campus that allows a select group of students to serve as student ambassadors to the Alumni Association and the Office of the President. As I approach graduation, I would like to narrow down my career aspirations even more. Though I am not entirely sure what my job will be in two years, it has always been a goal of mine to be in a profession that truly makes a difference in the world.