User:Margitte/Aleksander Ludskanov

Alexander Ludskanov (A.L.) (1926 - 1976) was a Bulgarian translator, Russian language teacher and semiotician. Working closely with a number of mathematicians (Bulgarian Institute of Mathematics and Informatics) and a few linguists, he carried out research on Machine Translation.

Human and Machine Translation


In segmenting and investigating the translation process for this purpose, he created a general model for the translation process, which applies to all kinds of translations. A.L. described this model in a book in Bulgarian (Prevezhdat chovekt i machinata, Human and Machine Translation, [1]) that he translated himself into his imperfect French, Traduction Humaine et traduction mécanique[2], for the Centre Linguistique quantitative de la Faculté des sciences de l'Université de Paris. The book does not have an English version. There is a German version [3] dating back to 1972, though, and an article signed by A.L. [4] was published in Language Science in 1975 which was in fact the adaptation of a speech held in French by A.L.

Italian version


In 2008 there appeared an Italian version [5] of the book, edited by Bruno Osimo. This version is not a complete and unabridged translation of A.L.'s 1967 work, most technicalities related to Cybernetics and some chapters entirely devoted to machine translation having been removed. On the other hand the book contains an introductory chapter by the editor, dealing with the significance of A.L's work for today's translation science. As is remarked in the book, the value of A.L.'s model to translation science lies in the challenge it brings to the tradition of Western Europe, where the theoretical debate on translation has mainly focussed on the translation of literary texts, still largely regarded as having a higher status than the processes and strategies involved in translating other types of texts. Among Eastern European theoreticians contributing to the development of a science of translation see also Anton Popovič (text thoretician) and Peeter Torop (semiotician)


  1. ^ Ludskanov 1967
  2. ^ Ludskanov 1969.
  3. ^ Ludskanov 1972.
  4. ^ Ludskanov 1975.
  5. ^ Ludskanov 2008.



Aleksander L’udskanov. Prevezhdat chovekt i machinata. Sofia: Nauka i Izkustvo, 1967. 159 p. Published version of his doctoral thesis of 1964.

Alexandre Ljudskanov. Traduction humaine et traduction mécanique (Documents de linguistique quantitative 2 and 4). French translation by A.L. himself, Paris, Dunod, 1969, 2 fascicles.

Ljudskanov, A. Mensch und Machine als Übersetzer (curated by Jager von Gert and Walter Hilmar). München, Hueber, 1972

Ludskanov, Aleksander. A Semiotic Approach to the Theory of Translation. ERIC, Language Sciences, 35, 5-8, Apr 75, 1975

Aleksandăr Lûdskanov. Un approccio semiotico alla traduzione: dalla prospettiva informatica alla scienza traduttiva (curated by Bruno Osimo. Italian translation by a team (V. Bertocchi, G. D'Alò, E. De Candia, F. Picerno, L. Relevant, V. Sanguinetti, E. Scarmagnani, M. Zampieri), Milan, Hoepli, 2008.
