B.G. Burkett, however, ignores the statistics of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. Almost all legitimate sources state that a significant number of Vietnam combat veterans suffer from some degree of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Perhaps the most recent and most accurate of the study of these veterans, their pyschological disorders and consequences are described in Dr. Jonathans Shay's two highly accalimed books "Achilles in Vietnam" and "Odysseus in America." The treatment of Vietnam Veterans by both pro and anti-war groups, and the population in general, upon their return to America and the cultural milieu into which they re-entered caused a host of profound complex and often debilitating consequences for these veterans. Many of these veterans, almost forty years later, still carry the weight of these disorders and do not fully participate in the mainstream of American society. Rather they remain as "outliers" unable to comprehend why American society has rejected them.